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Abysssec Inc Public Advisory
Title : ASP Nuke Sql Injection Vulnerability
Affected Version : AspNuke 0.80
Discovery : www.abysssec.com
Vendor : http://www.aspnuke.com
Download Links : http://sourceforge.net/projects/aspnukecms/
Description :
1)- SQl Injection
This version of ASP Nuke is prone to an SQL-injection vulnerability because it fails to sufficiently sanitize user-supplied data before using it in an SQL query.
Valnerable Code in .../module/article/article/article.asp:
Ln 37:
sStat = "SELECT art.ArticleID, art.Title, art.ArticleBody, " &_
" auth.FirstName, auth.LastName, " &_
" cat.CategoryName, art.CommentCount, " &_
" art.Created " &_
"FROM tblArticle art " &_
"INNER JOIN tblArticleAuthor auth ON art.AuthorID = auth.AuthorID " &_
"INNER JOIN tblArticleToCategory atc ON atc.ArticleID = art.ArticleID " &_
"INNER JOIN tblArticleCategory cat ON atc.CategoryID = cat.CategoryID " &_
"WHERE art.ArticleID = " & steForm("articleid") & " " &_
"AND art.Active <> 0 " &_
"AND art.Archive = 0"
Considering to the code, you can browse these URLs:
http://www.site.com/module/article/article/article.asp?articleid=7' (the false Query will be shown)
http://www.site.com/module/article/article/article.asp?articleid=7+and+'a'='a'-- (this Query is always true)
with the following URL you can find the first character of Username:
and second character:
and so on.
So you gain Admin's information like this:
Username : admin
Password : (sha256 hash)
Which the Password was encrypted by SHA algorithm using .../lib/sha256.asp file.