# Author: R4dc0re
# Exploit Title: ASPSiteware JobPost SQL injection Vulnerability
# Date: 04-12-2010
# Vendor or Software Link: www.aspsiteware.com
# Category:WebApp
#Contact: R4dc0re@yahoo.fr
#Website: www.1337db.com
#Greetings to: R0073r(1337db.com), L0rd CrusAd3r,Sid3^effects and to rest of the 1337db members
Submit Your Exploit at Submit@1337db.com
[Product Detail]
JobPost is an application ideal for the small or independent business or association who need a way to post
and update job openings internally or on the internet. Ideal for intranets Backend by Access database,
JobPost can store thousands of job postings in categories.
SQL Injection: