# Title: Interact 2.4.1 SQL Injection
Title : Interact 2.4.1 SQL Injection
Affected Version : Interact <= 2.4.1
Vendor Site : http://sourceforge.net/projects/cce-interact/
Discovery :
Vulnerabilites :
SQL Injection:
in search.php file line 44:
$search_terms_raw = strip_tags($_GET['search_terms']); // in this line only
the strip_tags function is used.
then in line 159
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$CONFIG['DB_PREFIX']}spaces.space_key,name FROM
{$CONFIG['DB_PREFIX']}spaces, {$CONFIG['DB_PREFIX']}module_space_links WHERE
AND {$CONFIG['DB_PREFIX']}module_space_links.status_key='1' AND
{$CONFIG['DB_PREFIX']}spaces.type_key!='1' AND
MATCH(name,short_name,code,description) AGAINST('$search_terms_raw') ORDER
BY {$CONFIG['DB_PREFIX']}spaces.name"; // in this line the search_terms_raw
value is used in sql query directly.
### {G} IR-Security -Team <--> l0rd [D3lt4_l0rD] & Turb0 ,,,,
ir.security.team@gmail.com S.V.T <--> :D