$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ DEVIL TEAM THE BEST POLISH TEAM $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
$$ WebprojectDB (INCDIR) <= v.0.1.3 Remote File Include Vulnerability
$$ script site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webprojectdb/
$$ Find by: Kacper (a.k.a Rahim)
$$ Contact: kacper1964@yahoo.pl or http://www.devilteam.yum.pl
$$ Greetz: DragonHeart, Satan, Leito, Leon, Luzak,
$$ Adam, DeathSpeed, Drzewko, pepi
$$ Specjal greetz: DragonHeart ;-)
In nav.php: (2-19)
// Site Navigation: the top strip of links and all the authentication
include "$INCDIR/auth.php"; // auth_xxx plugins
include "$INCDIR/sitemap.php";
// maybe do on-demand loading here some day.
function get_page($pagename) {
global $SITEMAP;
return isset($SITEMAP[$pagename]) ? $SITEMAP[$pagename] : '';
// show the path up to $pagename
function nav_path($pagename,$level=0) {
global $project_id, $projectcat_id, $thread_id, $forum_id;
global $msg_id, $org_id;
global $SESSION_VAR, $url_path;
#Pozdro dla wszystkich ;-)
# milw0rm.com [2006-06-11]