Internet Explorer is affected by a URI-spoofing vulnerability because it fails to adequately handle specific combinations of the non-breaking space character (' ').
An attacker may leverage this issue to spoof the source URI of a site presented to an unsuspecting user. This may lead to a false sense of trust because the user may be presented with a source URI of a trusted site while interacting with the attacker's malicious site.
Internet Explorer 6 is affected by this issue.
<a href=" &n < &n/> bsp; & nbsp; . &nbs p; &nb sp; &n bsp; .">Example</a> (In words, this is <a href=" <> followed by 30 ampersand-NBSP-semicolon, followed by a dot followed by another 31 ampersand-NBSP-semicolon followed by a dot, followed by 13 ampersand-NBSP-semicolon followed by a dot followed by">Example</a>) This causes a link whose URL appears, IN THE ADDRESS BAR, as (may wrap around): . . (In words, this appears like "" <> ; followed by 30 spaces, a dot, 31 spaces, a dot, 13 spaces, a dot and finally "")